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Zombie Pandemic NCR


Hello i would like the members of fonline2238 to try out this game it is a turn action based game but very fun it will seem stupid and confusing at first but if you give it a good chance it will be very fun
also if you decide you like the game please join NCR we are ranked 11th and have 120 members and we are looking for new recruits
http://www.zombiepandemic.com/ (game)
http://ncrzp.forumotion.com/ (NCR Forum)
http://zombiepandemicncr.wikia.com/wi... (WIKI)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6Tw1g... (Recruitment Video)

already play it   :o

im lvl 15 16 i forgotam i able too join?

yes of course we are always taking in new recruits send a request and will let you join us

Cyber Jesus:
looks boring i would rather play farmvile or some shit like that


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