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How many server rollbacks can you take? (And keep on playing)

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i had logged in 5 times in the same place i was forced to logg off with my brahmin

and i lost the brahmin 3 times, but in the end i got it back(is like ctrl+L)


--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on June 04, 2012, 03:55:09 pm ---What happened?
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Nerfs, stupid limits, restrictions, cheat-encouraging features and ideas, random whine of some crybabies that leads to disabling, more nerfing or screwing up X or Y ("they killed me, nerf it!" stands here for "balance"). And on top of that - rollback every hour or two, for over a month now.

Wipe was in January this year, average 200+ characters logged in, almost 500 in peak hours. Nowadays it's not even 25% of these numbers. I believe something went terribly wrong. Pity.

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Wichura on June 04, 2012, 10:34:22 pm ---Nerfs, stupid limits, restrictions, cheat-encouraging features and ideas, random whine of some crybabies that leads to disabling, more nerfing or screwing up X or Y ("they killed me, nerf it!" stands here for "balance"). And on top of that - rollback every hour or two, for over a month now.

Wipe was in January this year, average 200+ characters logged in, almost 500 in peak hours. Nowadays it's not even 25% of these numbers. I believe something went terribly wrong. Pity.

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Ohh well i guess i got my answer .
But maybe if devs reverted the game to make it look slightly like previous sessions maybe some people would come back and more would join...maybe.




--- Quote from: Wichura on June 04, 2012, 10:47:50 pm ---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq2cH5-j6L4


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love it!


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