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How many server rollbacks can you take? (And keep on playing)

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--- Quote from: Mister Dank on May 30, 2012, 11:23:23 pm ---lost a tent, a level up, 3 brahmin hides, a large part of the map revealed

--- End quote ---

I'm at the point where I'm playing in microtransactions--earlier today I did about three encounters in fifteen minutes, quit, and checked back later. Only one of the encounters was rolled back, not too bad.

nah i tried today twice, rolled back everytime, game is totally unplayable now

Mister Dank:
4 hatchets, 4 sledge hammers, 15 junk, 70+ pieces of wood, 5 metal parts, my campfire

It comes eventually to a point, where you cant achieve anything in game. Got level-rollback. Crafted stuff-rollback. Traveled two squares-rollback. Brew some coffee-rollback. Survived a hard friday at work, opened some cold beer-ROLLBACK, ROLLBACK, ROLLBACK.


Germany cannot into good server stability. No offense, Germany.


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