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First playfield in NCR opened
Xisingr Will:
--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 20, 2012, 11:14:45 pm ---Players will have to work on kids. Just find a partner and spawn a shared child-alt together - if it will be proper kid build, I will be giving them kid skins.
If you are shy, you can create an orphan kid.
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:0 i am so doing this i have always wanted a kid build....know any good builds like that....should i be good with throwing or something?
Edit: Nvm going to use a steal build.....Hope i can get a skin like that :D
SG sniper build, SG burster build, SG-fast shot build, EW sniper build, gatling build, EW-fast shot build, BG burster build, BG crit burster build, BG RL build, SD plasma grenade build, sneaker scout build, melee/unarmed crit/HH build, taxi build, BG merc build, SG merc build, sneak-merc build, crafter build, BP hunter build, ololotrololo build, woodcutter build, miner build, carry weight build, NCR idler build, suicidal-exploder build, wait... what?
--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 20, 2012, 11:14:45 pm ---kid build
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what the...
**Going to FCP to plan effective kid build**
Also, children playfield? Is this event aimed to return CS to 2238 for better online?
Edit: Hmm, the best "kid build" will be suicidal plasma SD sneaker, suicidal squad of mercs-leader or suicidal dynamite exploder. The most economical will be suicidal ololoPunchInTheEyes build. But plasma grenader or dynamiter will be more efficient, as kid build will spend most time in NCR, means he needs to deal as much damage as possible, before guards kill him, means dynamite will have the best potential, then SD plasma nades. Mercs are more random, it depends on what they will use. And HtH troll will just be annoying.
Use common sense but if you really can't, here are some rules:
Should have relatively low HP: EN <= 4, ST <= 4, no lifegiver perks.
No guns skills (kids can't use them anyway).
Preferable skills for average wasteland kid: throwing, sneak, steal, outdoorsman, although there might be exceptions.
Age 14 as it's the lowest possible.
Generally should behave like a kid. If I will see a kid acting too much like a teenage moron or an adult, the skin will be taken away.
Xisingr Will:
Neh wish i could do this but i wanna stay with my medic character and he has 8 endurance....
So, JovankaB, now you can say
"I'm watching literally a bunch of kids"
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