This game is not dead. Its alive.
Just accept the fact, that there will be no more updates.
You can log in, you can play, you can have fun or be frustrated about how this game is buggy and unbalanced.
Bud dont expect any bug fixes or gameplay changes, no more.
There is no one in dev team who gives a shit and can change things.
Yes, there are a few of passionate players who want to make this server better.
They are skillful mappers, scripters and they want to help. But the main persons who are in charge, just dont give a shit.
Who am i talking about?
Lexx, who does literally nothing, only block every great idea for map or other suggestion.
Ghosthack, who made this TC system. He wasnt online for more like 5 months. And other scripters are too afraid to change his stuff. Or they are not alowed to.
Atom, who is a good scripter, but he also dont give a shit, because he has no decision-making rights. He only can do what others like lexx tell him. And they are not allowing him to do nearly anything.
Scypior is dead no?
Yes, the amount of work this guys did in the last 3 years was tremendous, they did it in their free time too.
I understand, I think everyone understand that if you work on something for so long, you eventually get bored. Bored from whining players and other shit. And its absolutely normal behaviour.
But the thing is. This game needs constant work. This game needs fresh blood in devs team.
And there are people who want to help with that, but they are just not allowed to.
I can tell you their names, but whats the point? Devs know who their are.
This server will be on, until there will be no players who will donate.
Face the reality. Most of the devs dont give a shit about development of this game anymore.
And until there will be another person than Lexx, who will be in charge, it will never gets better.
Old players know it, and most of the dev team too.
I would love to see someone like WIPE to actually lead this whole development team. But nah, its just a dream.
P.S. I just hope, someone will stole all the codes and make 2238 - Version 2.0. Which will be developed by gamers for gamers.
Not just to please one guy with nickname Lexx.
Hell dont even expect any reaction. Because most of the devs never read forum in the first place.
So stop whining everybody, just start to play some other game. And please, really please dont waste your money by donating.