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An apology to some of the new players I had introduced.

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So i discovered Fonline a few days back - Immediately spammed all my contacts whom i knew might be interested.
I don't see any of you guys and girls around anymore.. if you still play and happen to read this forum looking to answers to some things. I'm sorry.

I apologise for introducing you to this sh*t, without scouting the game out properly beforehand, but the intention was honorable.
I mean, come on - the whole fallout series was great!
Only, where I had naturally expected pvp with others to some degree in an 'online game', I had not anticipated this preventing you from talking to npcs and doing normal questing.
The wasteland should be harsh yes, but friendly towns were usually 'safe' unless you screwed up rather badly starting attacks on npcs and so. That's obvious.

Endless lives are great, but needing to find a -good- gun and armor after every spawn all over again.. eish.
Don't play much more than an hour or so (same as them) as i work daily and are no longer a kid or student who can spend 12hours+ on a game per day. so that is tedious.
I really did not know at the time that half the players had like 10 clones of themselves and controlled bases with lots of loot to outfit themselves in a jiffy pking bluesuits for fun.
Lots of my quests are broken due to losing important items or so - or things happening preventing my progress.

Your question? why i don't simply mail them? 1. Well, for one being embarrassed enough already. 2. to let 'you' know about a 'problem' or two (not the cloned multi's) with the game. Playability;longlivity..bla. Smart people will figure it out. Dev's even more.
I guess this is why Bethesda would never sanction this as the official fallout online and rather make a new on later if they felt it worthwhile. The only group who can anyway, seeing as they own the rights after the court case. you can go google "Press Release: Fallout MMO Rights Restored to Bethesda Softworks" if you have no idea about it, that's not what this article is about however.

Slaver Snipe:

The new FOnline themesong!

webrv =  obvious forum troll account

Xisingr Will:
Why the hell would you  apologize for introducing people to an awesome game????????

his forum account was created today so i doubt there is any real truth to this


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