Other > Closed suggestions
new suggestions to new 3d version.
--- Quote from: Lexx on March 09, 2010, 12:44:25 pm ---We will still not add new weapons to the game. But we want to give every weapon a own 3d model.
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Both zip gun and pipe rifle are 'traditional' Fallout weapons. According to this: http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/3d_graphics_development_tracker pipe rifle even has a skinned 3d model already. So why not introduce those ones as first, simplest, crappy, craftable weapons? Sth for a 1-4lvl player to start with.
When it comes to ammo - as I've said there could be some kind of simple quest to get those. I thought of a little modification of a 'brahmins&shovel' quest (just an additional dialogue branch with one simple script)
<Player, after cleaning the pen talks to herdsmen>
P: OK, it's done. Say, maybe you have some spare zipgun rounds? I'm kinda running low on ammo lately...
H: Er, 9mm bullets? Yer fancy shootin' rats or what? <chuckles> Damn, whatever. You can have these if you want. No one sane uses this crap anyway.
P: [in<6] Thanks, see you around
P: [in>5] It sounds quite intriguing when a person of your occupation call things 'crap'. See you around.
(Player gets amount of 9mm bullets equal to the number of 'craps' he shoveled.)
--- Quote from: DrapiChrust on March 09, 2010, 03:42:46 pm ---So why not introduce those ones as first, simplest, crappy, craftable weapons? Sth for a 1-4lvl player to start with.
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--- Quote from: DrapiChrust on March 09, 2010, 03:42:46 pm ---Both zip gun and pipe rifle are 'traditional' Fallout weapons. According to this: http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/3d_graphics_development_tracker pipe rifle even has a skinned 3d model already. So why not introduce those ones as first, simplest, crappy, craftable weapons? Sth for a 1-4lvl player to start with.
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I have nothing to do with the crafting system. I was just saying that we will not add new weapons, as we still have to balance the existing ones.
Mountain bikes would be nice, but maybe you could introduce roads?
About ammo and guns... I certainly think that less ammo is needed in this game, people sould really count every bullet they shoot and care for this precious resource
My suggestion is zoom in and out option with mouse wheel
And maybe 1920x1080 wide screen resolution if possible, if not 1920 some lower... I know i will get flamed for saying this...
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