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ARMA2 Dayz Mod(Undead MMO)

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Mike Crosser:
--- Quote from: racoon on May 26, 2013, 12:15:43 pm ---where do you live? africa? how can you even still use geforce 8400gs... its total shit, and for few bucks, yeah FEW.. you can get geforce 9800 or if you're lucky gtx card which is 10 times better than this pre war 8400gs... and 3gb of memory? memory means nothing.

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That feel...

DayZ is like FOnline except it has no crafting and nuclear post war theme. The rest is the same.


--- Quote from: Senocular on May 26, 2013, 02:53:59 pm ---DayZ is like FOnline except it has no crafting and nuclear post war theme. The rest is the same.

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This was so dumb,  I think I'll go kill myself.


--- Quote from: racoon on May 26, 2013, 12:15:43 pm ---where do you live? africa? how can you even still use geforce 8400gs... its total shit, and for few bucks, yeah FEW.. you can get geforce 9800 or if you're lucky gtx card which is 10 times better than this pre war 8400gs... and 3gb of memory? memory means nothing.

--- End quote ---
I do in fact have a 260 GTX, however I had measured my computer parts incorrectly and I cannot fit it in by maybe a centimeter.  Was pretty pissed.

And I do live in what is basically white african version of America.

North Carolina.

Cyber Jesus:
260 GTX isnt a bad card, too bad it doesn't support dx11 tho.


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