Other > Closed suggestions
Pushing brahmins
--- Quote from: DrapiChrust on March 09, 2010, 12:12:33 pm ---+ 1 for intentions
-10 for executing them
Sorry, this is a reasonable idea, but allowing that will mean that you'll have too look for your 'crapmakers' somewhere around exit grid. Sadly, there are some assholes players around, who will run brahmin off as far as possible just to make others players game more irritating. A big 'NO' from me
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But brahmins can become smarter and when they leave thier location (brahmin pen), they instantly returning to random point of it's location.
Or just when you use shovel on brahmin, this brahmin goes in random point of it's location (brahmin pen).
--- Quote from: UbiValkin on March 09, 2010, 12:23:49 pm ---Or just when you use shovel on brahmin, this brahmin goes in random point of it's location (brahmin pen).
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This sounds safer.
And the 5% chance to get kicked could stack for each prod :p
Dr Strangelove:
I suggest this to enhance the "fun" factor in shitshoveling ;
Make it so that you can tip over brahmin with the context menu. Each time you succesfully put a brahmin on its side you get a luckroll wich *might* produce a fresh piece of genuine brahmin crap. This would also need some extra floating text for the brahmin..
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