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story: the grimm fallout adventures of Jack

(1/2) > >>

Edit(part 2 and 3 now posted below...)
Part 1:
Jack had not eaten for a month now. All his supplies gone. It was a good thing his rucksack was so empty for he could not carry a ounce more. His binocolours dangled around his neck. Many times he had considerd to throw it away. But it might be worth a trade he reminded himself.

The sun was injecting its fiery needles on his forehead right trough the piece of white cloth he had wrapped around his head. the road he walked on continued to feel like a hot plate. Still he felt himself phaseing out every now and then. His body went on like a machine. Crack. Creeck. His black sneakers made a unhealthy sound.The hot road continued to go on straigth without end it seemed. In the distance he could see the hot air wavering above the road. Was that a building?

A gun shot interuppted his sneakers creaking. Jack froze. He could see shapes moving near the building. Quickly he dropped to the floor and rolled off to the side off the road. His body protested by making him painfully aware he had almost no stamina left. He crawled behind what appeared to be a dead plant of some sort. He pulled out his 9mm gun and reminded himself that he had 5 shot left. No shots followed.

Jack gazed through his binocolours. Two vechicles were parked near a building from before. They had extra armor plating and what looked like bones and a skull attached to the hull. Then his gaze fell on a person wearing some kind of makeschift armor with shoulder pads. His nose and mouth coverd with black cloth. This person was obvisously standing gaurd with a shotgun in his hands. Two other armed figures exited the building. One had a mowahak the other was bald. Raiders.

They jumped into their veichles. And with roaring engines came his way. Jack ducked his head behind the dead plant hoping not to be seen. The veichles drove by him and soon the noise from the engines dissapeared in the distance.

A corpse with tied hands was sitting upright against a wall. It was a old man. Jack stood their for a minute not moving and taking up the scene inside the building. After walking to the building he had expacted someone to be dead. Just not a old man. Old people were really rare these days. And this one had a white beard. If they hadn't shot the man he would have walked right into the raiders. Why was the man tied?

Jack checked it's pockets. Nothing. the old man did wear some classy shoes for walking.

Jacks small campfire lit the room. He'd rather not make one but it got really cold out in the wasteland after dark. He was already used to the new shoes. To his surprise he had found a small key in one of the shoes. Jack was still wondering about why they had bothered to tie the old man up. Then it struck him. He must have hidden some supplies.

It took him 2 hours to find it. It had been hidden under a pile of rubble. It was heavy. He lifted up a large sack with two makeshift straps on it and put it near the campfire. He emptied the sack on the floor.  2 cans of old food rolled out. A metal box with a lock on it thumped to the floor. A black metal tube of some sort fell near the box. He immidiatly reached for one of the food cans. It depicated a smiling drawing of a dog. Luckly it had a pull lid. for he had no opener on him.
It tasted so good he almost fainted. After emptying the first one he quickly finished the second one. Feeling envigorated with a big grin on his face he reached for the metal box. The key fit and he opened it.

part 2 coming up

You've got me intrugied. :D

jonny rust:
mystery box!
(subscription post)

Very suspensful. awaiting part 2....

Are you even working on part 2? Lol


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