T-888 is a joke. Let him fap to a mirror in peace.
When I started playing FOnline, I was absolutely sure that it's going to be an awesome RP MMO game. But here's what makes it hard to roleplay anything and to stay in character all the time:
1. pvp fights are too dynamic, surprise = win so while being inside any map, you have to be cautious all the time, have a scout (friend or erm bro

), if you "waste" too much time on typing or doing anything else, someone jumps on you and he will often kill you before you even know what has happened. I leave guarded towns without a comment - everyone knows how "safe" they are. due to a massive number of alts (thousands?) you can't even get a good revenge most of the time.
2. there is a large gap between characters that are able to fight in pvp and those which can do anything else. alting prevails, people use characters that are specialists at one thing so if you want a "jack-of-all-trades" character, it will be simply shitty.
3. also, the fact that people often use 10+ characters makes it hard to stay in character all the time (which character? 300% outdoor or sg sniper or crafter or bomber or leader alt?).
4. the attitude of many players who will "OMG U NOOB I PWN YA" and don't give a shit about any roleplaying (except roleplaying a raider because you can justify your pvp alt in such way). well, to be honest, if this part wasn't true, this game would be an awesome RPG indeed.
even if u find it surprising TC is not so far from "RP", I bet it was supposed to allow a faction take the control in the town, so they could enforce their laws, it could support player interaction, prevent trolling such as in guarded locations. well, it ended in capturing towns on AFK, shooting NPCs and packing whatever you have available against anyone who shows up so you can loot all shit, killing any player that shows up because his items are more valuable than his possible actions (or he is scout/troll/blacklisted/outlaw/blabla), then again gridcamping with militia and looting all shit from the locker which actually gives a large amount of stuff nowadays. then fap over your gang name in pipboy because it's all that is left from awesome (at least in theory) idea of town control.