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Author Topic: Roleplay.....  (Read 6213 times)


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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2012, 11:42:32 am »

Well, either you do PvP or you RP. I do roleplaying because with every game I play I tend to live the life of character in the game.
As for this RP project, I always want to start something like this and I even have bought trapper camp near NCR for this purpose, the only problem is lack of time. But nevertheless I will start to add roleplayers to this camp and we can start to think of something (caravan company?)
Because this game is for fun and RP is fun, right? ;D
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2012, 11:50:48 am »

Count me in.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 12:09:16 pm by Fettel »
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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2012, 08:17:37 pm »

Hey, what the hell? Why T-888 has been banned? I didn't notice anything wrong in his posts and even if my gamestyle is totally different from his, I don't mind to read about it. He is right, game is focused on pew-pew activities, like Toilet Control, random New Reno skirmishes, TB traps on the Wasteland and so on. Lumberjacks and Mad Max Wannabes, as me for example, have to adapt or hide, or both.

And if you really want to roleplay something, just do it. Get some dudes, buy a caravan cart, start wandering around. Announcing everywhere "hurr durr imma hardcore roleplaya watch me roleplayin and adore my RP skillz" is as pathetic as "hurr durr imma pr0 ape pewpewing around mah banana box". Righteous souls, able to understand and follow the rules of common play, don't grow on trees. It's not easy to find them and keep them playing here.

I vote for unbanning T-888. Ban should be deserved, not random.
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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2012, 08:29:24 pm »

If anyone Rp project start, i want join and try help ;)
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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2012, 08:52:23 pm »

T-888 is a joke. Let him fap to a mirror in peace.

When I started playing FOnline, I was absolutely sure that it's going to be an awesome RP MMO game. But here's what makes it hard to roleplay anything and to stay in character all the time:
1. pvp fights are too dynamic, surprise = win so while being inside any map, you have to be cautious all the time, have a scout (friend or erm bro :P), if you "waste" too much time on typing or doing anything else, someone jumps on you and he will often kill you before you even know what has happened. I leave guarded towns without a comment - everyone knows how "safe" they are. due to a massive number of alts (thousands?) you can't even get a good revenge most of the time.
2. there is a large gap between characters that are able to fight in pvp and those which can do anything else. alting prevails, people use characters that are specialists at one thing so if you want a "jack-of-all-trades" character, it will be simply shitty.
3. also, the fact that people often use 10+ characters makes it hard to stay in character all the time (which character? 300% outdoor or sg sniper or crafter or bomber or leader alt?).
4. the attitude of many players who will "OMG U NOOB I PWN YA" and don't give a shit about any roleplaying (except roleplaying a raider because you can justify your pvp alt in such way). well, to be honest, if this part wasn't true, this game would be an awesome RPG indeed.

even if u find it surprising TC is not so far from "RP", I bet it was supposed to allow a faction take the control in the town, so they could enforce their laws, it could support player interaction, prevent trolling such as in guarded locations. well, it ended in capturing towns on AFK, shooting NPCs and packing whatever you have available against anyone who shows up so you can loot all shit, killing any player that shows up because his items are more valuable than his possible actions (or he is scout/troll/blacklisted/outlaw/blabla), then again gridcamping with militia and looting all shit from the locker which actually gives a large amount of stuff nowadays. then fap over your gang name in pipboy because it's all that is left from awesome (at least in theory) idea of town control.
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2012, 09:00:35 pm »

looking for hardcore rp
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2012, 09:22:44 pm »

looking for hardcore rp

You call Wasteland maids hardcore RP?
Now ninja nurses is some hardcore RP.
Wasteland is a tricky business.


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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2012, 10:39:59 pm »

Ninja nurses must hurt just as bad as maids  ;D

And frankly, yes, RPing can be done very well by yourself, I can already think of many ideas...

And just be careful of what you say or do, this'll affect your character XD

This is one example :P

May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't.
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #38 on: May 08, 2012, 02:27:04 am »

I vote for unbanning T-888. Ban should be deserved, not random.

I don't think we get to vote on stuff like that.

+1, just in case.

Xisingr Will

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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2012, 02:42:27 am »

Btw random question....... is T-888 male or female? Everyone is saying he but with that picture it's very confusing...... ??? lol
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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2012, 03:11:02 am »

It was probably not necessary to ban T-888 but after trying to have a good discussion with the dude (and everyone who has posted and wants to post here) about RP and then reading his arrogant "Let me lay down this more precise if you aren't able to comprehend" followed by "I don't care about RP" post, I can only agree with Kilgore:

T-888 is a joke. Let him fap to a mirror in peace.

Once again, sticking to what the thread is actually about, I agree with Kilgore again and think the points highlighted in his post explain clearly why it's extremely difficult to roleplay here.


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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2012, 03:36:38 am »

It was probably not necessary to ban T-888 but after trying to have a good discussion with the dude (and everyone who has posted and wants to post here) about RP and then reading his arrogant "Let me lay down this more precise if you aren't able to comprehend" followed by "I don't care about RP" post, I can only agree with Kilgore:

Once again, sticking to what the thread is actually about, I agree with Kilgore again and think the points highlighted in his post explain clearly why it's extremely difficult to roleplay here.

lol harsh mate... so yeah i somewhat agree with you Eternauta

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Xisingr Will

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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2012, 03:40:34 am »

Ya i know it is pretty hard to roleplay on this game but i still plan on trying to do this and i hope that other players will also......i'm probably going to start by getting some players that are experienced in guarding and such or players that think that they could help to defend the roleplayers that don't have combat skills and such......will be posting when i plan on starting to recruit for the guards.  ;D
I am a Medic NonCombat Carebear APK Gorgon, get over it.


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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2012, 12:50:18 pm »

Roleplay on 2238? Been there done that:

I've done:
RP-Events without GMs (Modoc Militia Caravan goin to BH to have big auction with BHH)
RP-Events with the help of GMs (The broken robot in vault 15 and several other times RPing a robot with little player quests)
I planned player-quests
I founded #2238rp on forestnet

What did this bring until now and what experienced did I make?
We had fun for a while but it always gets disturbed by trolls or the people loose interest because there is no "phat lewt" at the end of the RPing. I've already said it in another thread: People don't want to downsize them to a level of a hunter with leather armor and hunting rifle if they fear a BA minigunner shows up every moment killing the whole group (happened in modoc).
Also organizing good RP is enough work and if you see it's not a success you get frustrated. GMs can't be online all the time to monitor the whole thing and even if they guard the place they are flamed for GM ABUSE. I thought about requesting minor GM access to have a bit more options for RP but I thought it would turn out the same way: "GM ABUSE", "lol this is boring", "y u no equip rocket launcher for hunting geckos?".

RP possible and fun for RPers
RP is always targeted by trolls and can't be protected by GMs without risking shitstorm and attracting more trolls.
No rewards in RPing let much people think it's a waste of time.
Organizing and "leading" RP Events as a single person is hard work and not always rewarding, therefor #2238rp is mostly silent and has 5 idlers at max.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 12:56:07 pm by Andr3aZ »
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #44 on: May 08, 2012, 02:07:44 pm »

Well if I run into you guys, I'll see how I can help out / participate.

Usually I just RP with npc's or pc's who are near me. Most of the time it ends up in me talking in loops to guards who keep repeating their set dialogue. But when I meet a RP-ish person in random encounter or town, it usually ends up in a fun hunt.

I like to RP with whatever happens, not really a fan of the 'RP event' idea, but I must say that I've never really tried either.

RP-ing in TB is most fun for me, because you have time to type, read and think about your next action ;)
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