lol we would get worst reveiw never. its not noob friendly , its not cod, the person reveiwing would just rage quit and give us a -10.
What would it take to take this game from "Client of Grievances" to a sprawling MMO with grand support and a grand community?What needs changing?-Developer priorities?-GM attitude/ game disruption?-Communal efforts?-PROPER ADVERTISEMENT?What do you guys think this game needs to take it to the level of a game that is worth playing for more than x months?I personally think the game needs to be advertised anywhere and everywhere, I think we as a community should band together and advertise the positives of the game, and bring in new and willing players. Take them by the hand and show them the ups and downs of the game and hopefully in a few months after such an effort, we'd have a brand new generation of community who could hopefully offer different views and opinions on a "dying" game (AS EVERYONE SAYS).
Rules would be nice to regulate A LOT... I see so many things that are taken advantage by players... and advertising this game to a lot of people would be nice too... the more we bring, the more each person counts!