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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Do you like this idea?

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Yes, but I would change some things
- 33 (31.4%)
I don't care
- 1 (1%)
No, but under some circumstances ...
- 10 (9.5%)
No, idea of getting PA's into fonline is completely wrong
- 34 (32.4%)

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Author Topic: BOS Faction, POWER ARMORS  (Read 21490 times)


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« Reply #60 on: April 15, 2010, 10:58:13 pm »

The PA could just use fuel over time, so people wouldn't be parading with them on every possible opportunity.
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« Reply #61 on: April 15, 2010, 11:04:15 pm »

The PA could just use fuel over time, so people wouldn't be parading with them on every possible opportunity.

But According to the wiki

"The armor usually carries enough fuel to last for one hundred years."

You know where you are? You're in the Wasteland baby, you're gonna die!


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« Reply #62 on: April 15, 2010, 11:13:15 pm »

That's true, but there is always a way out, f.e. "This suit's fuel circulation module is missing and although the armor is working, it will take a decent amount of fuel to maintain it's strength-boost function".

Basically, if you won't refuel it, it won't supply the +3 str bonus. That's my proposal.
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« Reply #63 on: April 15, 2010, 11:39:00 pm »

That's true, but there is always a way out, f.e. "This suit's fuel circulation module is missing and although the armor is working, it will take a decent amount of fuel to maintain it's strength-boost function".

Basically, if you won't refuel it, it won't supply the +3 str bonus. That's my proposal.

It the BoS will never use PA with that kind of issue, It's to dangerous for BoS becouse they have a limited man power and equipment so i think the perk will be enough.
You know where you are? You're in the Wasteland baby, you're gonna die!
« Reply #64 on: April 15, 2010, 11:42:36 pm »

But According to the wiki

"The armor usually carries enough fuel to last for one hundred years."

so you are maybe unlucky and they handed you a PA which has been used for 99years and 364days:)
« Reply #65 on: April 17, 2010, 12:56:21 am »

hey all, throwing in two cents on this topic..

but, to me, adding power armor units to the game would not unbalence it, if you had the right control over its use.

for example, "omg, he's going to pwn us all with his uber PA! F*** this!" common thought in the minds of many who would be in other factions.

but, things to remember about the nature of the brotherhood of steel.

first they would not allow their tools of war to be used in random murdering, so the number of people that this mighty suit of armor could be used against would be very very small.

and the people who it would be allowed to be used against would be he worst of the worst of the waste landers who would some how threaten the brother hood of steel, which would only be the case if they stuck their noises in to the brotherhoods business, which would probally be them trying to steal the power armor.

second, if some one did some how steal the item, well i don't see why they couldnt enjoy it.. but the thing being, the brother hood should get the power to have its members have dection devices that could see it if it was stashed in some ones tent, so if some one stashed it they would leave their tent open to be looted by every BoS member around that could happen to be roaming around that area looking for it or not.

third, if, and i mean if, some one was able to get a suit, you would have to have a almost perfect record to be able to use it, which means, no shooting people, no raiding towns or bombing NCR or tax road blocking towns that don't have guards everywhere.

which basicly takes out all the fun things you can do if you like to bring suffering and death to your fellow waste landers, so you basicly would have to follow the brother hoods rules if you want the armor, which, to be blunt, they're all a bunch off hard arses.. so you won't get away with abusing it, unlike the raiders, which one of you suggested giving a 10 guss rifles to which could be used by anyone, you also have to remember that the BoS has no real reason to attack the raiders unless they attack them first.

so, in short.

1: you would be signing up to play a almost purely defensive role, with limited quests to find more tech to loot.
2: you would have to be gifted with enough self control to keep your dirty hands off the devils daughter to be able to get one in the first place.
3: you would not be able to do much with it, due to the fact that it would not work to take it apart, nor would it work to give it to another char due to the fact that it would be like placing a hell of a bounty on your own character.
4: it would no un-balence other factions due to the fact you should not be using it against them in the first place if you want to keep it.
5: it would not make people swarm the BoS due to the fact that they will learn pretty quickly that they cant use it for much even if they do get it, and even if they do get it they will have to be good little boys and girls and use it like they're told to by GMs, and perhaps higher ranking players..
6: as for who should be able to fix it, well you could add a req for a machine only found in the BoS main bunker that can help you hold it all up to fix it, or just allow anyone to fix it, but only a BoS member would have a chance of keeping it in good shape and keeping it at all.
7: also, if the "you can find it along with some one elses tent and all his goodies" thing doesnt stop people from stealing them, always remember that the BoS could place a bounty on a person like that that has one, not to mention no faction would want him to be in their as it would show their faction base to BoS members as well if he was stashing it there, and could even draw the anger of the BoS (which would be one of the few times they could use their other suits of armor) upon them, making them a target for a deadly force with power armor if one of their members had a stolen suit.
8: last but not least, if you make it so that only BoS members could fix the suits than if a player stashed one he could only use it for so long before it broke, meaning that he would have to get rid of it, which would than open up a slot for some one else in the BoS to get a suit and than every one would get on with life, not to mention if you used it to camp areas for easy player kills to often word would get around and others would want it, and so on and so on.

these are my suggestions based upon what others have said, hope you kept reading untill the end heh.

cheers all.

« Reply #66 on: April 20, 2010, 05:23:48 am »

How about make them only obtainable by killing brotherhood patrols, but if you have one in your possession you get attacked by BOS wherever you go. Kinda like the mission in fallout tactics but in reverse.
« Reply #67 on: April 25, 2010, 04:54:58 am »

This might be a problem, because the Brotherhood is not how they are shown in Fallout 3. They are elitists and assholes who don't share in most cases. They are a bunch of techno freaks who worship technology and not holy protectors.

I noticed this and just wanted to say that:
I didn't play fallout 3, only the good old 1 and 2 but in my opinion your description of them is rather harsh. I'd prefer to imagine them as chivalrous knights.
Doesn't mean they're high charisma good though. But still they have honor and go along their codex.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 04:57:05 am by Desert Pilot »
« Reply #68 on: April 26, 2010, 04:07:18 am »

I thought it was possible to kill a BoS member and loot the armor off of them.

Edit: A funny idea is to make the power armor a BoS only quest, but the Fusion Cells needed to power it require being part of the Enclave.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 04:09:18 am by Nappist »
« Reply #69 on: May 05, 2010, 10:50:06 pm »

I noticed this and just wanted to say that:
I didn't play fallout 3, only the good old 1 and 2 but in my opinion your description of them is rather harsh. I'd prefer to imagine them as chivalrous knights.
Doesn't mean they're high charisma good though. But still they have honor and go along their codex.

Their function is to horde technology and they couldn't care less about local populations.


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« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2010, 12:05:28 am »

they do care about local populations- they are a source of new recruits to them, remember!

Blubber we miss You!!!
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2010, 12:26:06 am »

they do care about local populations- they are a source of new recruits to them, remember!

They take the able bodied for cannon fodder and leave the rest to die.
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2010, 07:02:00 am »

They take the able bodied for cannon fodder and leave the rest to die.

i am pretty sure thats fallout tactics lore.

as far as the BoS and their standing in FOnline that i know of.

they're mostly neutral and seek to fight to gain more shiny bits to stock pile, not unlike our local crafters.



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« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2010, 02:48:18 pm »

I have an idea.
- 10 PA per game,
- rotation system (if PA is stored in a box or in a character not used for 1 day - it disappears)
- once worn you can kill the person wearing it without karma loss
- 1 PA per faction
- PA deteriorates FAST and cant be repaired, once broken it disappears
- You obtain PA by quest (PvE in some vault full of BOS (less armored maybe with combat shotguns?)/Deathclaws)
I liked the notification system that the person in PA was seen in the town.
You would never know if there are 10 PA in the game unless you check 10 caves.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 02:52:19 pm by kraskish »
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
« Reply #74 on: May 06, 2010, 10:28:33 pm »

"You would never know if there are 10 PA in the game unless you check 10 caves."

could you elaborate on that?
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