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@UP I don't think so. There will be only 10 (more or less) PA for players, so if there would be 100 players in Bos they would not get their armor anyway. And there is other idea about karma in suggestions forum, so pk players would not be able to join brotherhood. I don't think that bandits of wastelands would change their ways, when chances of getting PA are so small and cost much effort (quests, raids, loyalty).

AFAIK BOS faction isn't about Town Controll - they have their own goals. They need to mantain high karma.
And if BOS would be strong it would be nice counterbalance to very strong player controlled factions, and a place wherer every notPK would fit in.


--- Quote from: vedaras on March 08, 2010, 11:33:58 am ---one strong gang is balance to other strong gang, not power armors for bos.

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Basically there are 3 sides in fonline.
1) DA
2) NA
3) NonPK - people not interested in tc
Right now third group is overwhelmed by both DA and NA and they have no faction or even if they have they hide in caves.

This feature even adds balance when e.g. DA has all avalaible PA's since bos becomes automatically ally of overwhelmed side.

one strong gang is balance to other strong gang, not power armors for bos.

IMHO this is not a good idea. PA is advanced piece of armory but its meant as protection for BoS troops ergo it cannot be as unique as you described it above. I agree that its supposed to be only for elite warriors and high ranked officers but still regular scout groups of BoS soldiers are wearing it and I doubt they have officers among them on routine field operations. I would prefer that after one proves that he is worthy of such a huge investment that PA represents he will be able to start a chain-quest at which end he will obtain his personal PA. Such quest could be pretty much anything from farming materials to hunting down some BoS enemy/traitor. Also in most cases PA is worth more than life of a man who is in it so it should be locked in your locker in BoS armory. And such locker would get unlocked only when you are on duty and up to BoS field operation (by such locker you could imagine armory officer and if there is a PA assigned to your name, you can get one there). As you may noticed there are no one man PA scouts there because BoS nor Enclave wouldn't gamble with such equipment. Simply after one receives his PA he will be able to wear it only when he is told and where he is told, after that he will have to take it off and wait for another action. If you loose your armor during action you will have to obtain yourself a new one trough repeatable quest, but this quest should be significantly easier compared to the original one that makes PA accessible for you. Sure it requires A LOT of new stuff to be introduced to the faction system such as those faction driven operations, but personally I would like to wait for a good solution rather than settle for the bad one now. But maybe we could bypass big changes in faction system by simple feature: When group of BoS members get together as they are going for field op. then armory officer would supply them with PA if their group counts 4 or more members. Such player groups could follow orders from their NPC commander. So you go to officer "Barnaky" for your mission briefing, he orders your group to scout 4 click radius around the base, you go get your stuff at armory officer and you are ready to rock!

And for the freeforall PA it should exist, but this should be something unique and very rare in the wasteland. I mean even if you succeed in killing BoS paladin, you can't do it without damaging his armor. So if you manage to get your hands on dead soldiers PA it should be useless more or less. I don't know what PA is made of exactly, but I guess there are some gadgets inside, that make it running. So by killing PA guy and taking his armor you would get few usable parts. But to make it whole again it would require all parts together and insanely high science+armorer skills. Lets say that regular death (no explosives) will keep protective plates of the armor untouched so they would be easiest to obtain from damaged PA. After that there should be some inner electronic/motion thingy that would be rare to obtain from damaged PA. So if we make armor consists of 6 parts (helmet, torso, power source, motion stuff, electronic gadget, waste recycling system(?)) each with different drop chance then it would be hard enough to collect all 6 from dead soldiers. And collecting is not be enough, also putting it together should be connected to a quest or NPC who will help you with it. Also cooperation of best scientists and armorers of wastes should be necessary to put it all together. After all of this done you will get yourself your 1st wasteland PA. But such PA should be less efficient than original piece and some rust on it will never hurt ;).

Edit: If you are thinking about stealing PA or dieing on purpose in order to farm PA materials it could be solved by BoS karma. If you die too much, you will get demoted and you will loose access to your PA until you regain your trust. And if you steal PA then its best way how to get to BoS killonsight list and it could be used for new BoS members as quest to find you and kill you (loot your "dogtags" as proof of your dead or even better return PA back to BoS).


--- Quote from: Sius on March 08, 2010, 11:56:19 am ---IMHO this is not a good idea. PA is advanced piece
it will never hurt ;).

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Too many letters.
That's easier ;p

--- Quote from: UbiValkin on March 07, 2010, 09:07:10 am ---I hope BoS armor will be avaible for BoS-members who completed many many difficult quests and killed alot PKs, and then they can wear on/off armor only at bunker and they can't drop it, so noone except for them will get this armor. Also if they die in armor, they need to complete some annoying quests again to get it back.

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