I disagree, requirements are fine. The problem is people plays many chars, not that the requirements are too high
When developers will lower professions requirements, for a month someone will say that everyone should have 10 PE, 10 IN and 7 ST, couse he want to have biggunner, sniper and crafter in one char.
no, requirements are fine. Everyone will have same alts since you can have 3 levels of professions, no matter what requirements will be. And roachor seriously get some balls, all your suggestions are just to make the game be played on easy mode.
Hey vederas, if your only contribution is to insult me how about instead of posting in my threads you take both your hands, ball them into fists and shove them up your own ass. It's not like you know your dick from your elbow in the first place.
i am playing loner, and i have alts to see just for fun, for trying other professions other playing style not as support or other shit. And some peoples suggestions are to make everything possible to do with one character, im just curious how you dont understand that this sucks by yourselves.
dude i already did, even now you can be and combat player, and crafter if someone even doesnt fit you can have like 1, 1 and 1 profession, use drugs to get professions, or use drugs in fights to get maximum effectiveness. All i can see now, that you suck in creating one character or another and then think what suggestion to offer for forum, so you couldnt suck with the way you create your character. If others are not encountering problems and you are, then its not the systems fault, its yours and fix it by remaking your character if it suck so hard not by posting noob threads.
It's not this suggestion's fault that the game has problems with character balance and not all skills are useful at the moment. When speculating new features, we sometimes have to shut off certain factors. At this point the factor that some skills are useless must be shut because it is expected that some day all of the skills are worthwile to take and provide good benefits. There are 18 skills. They start to be useful when they are over 100. It is not possible to raiser even nearly all skills at that level, so nobody could do everything even if profesions demanded no investments.
its author of suggestion fault that he doesnt know how to use skills. Yes there are some skills that are useless, gambling, speech. Which profession require those?
You are so fucking stupid it's incredible.
vedaras you already have "the same" characters in PvP - 1 CH, 6 or 10 LK, high EN, drug addicted junkies. Possibilities of creating a char are limited, you can't be unique in SPECIAL system. And I don't think that with profession requirements we are having now "everyone" will be good fighter, crafter, doctor, taxi and babysitter. What could be implement is an ability to take as many professions, as you can afford, so one char could be a repairman, crafter 3 lvl SG and 2 lvl Armorer for example, and also could fight in PvE, maybe even PvP. It wouldn't stop alts however, because of cooldowns - after making an armor you can just relog to another char, make another stuff and relog back to "basic" char to have some fun from fighting, chatting or whatever. Preventing alts is like preventing pregnants in high school - milions of wise words and there is still at least one person, who won't listen :>
And with professions i see it similar like: if you study one thing hard, and you are one at the best at that subject (level 3 in our situation), you dont have time to study others. I like the current system, and i think that doesnt need any changes at all :>