Other > Gang Issues
Blue Parkas and Sharp Talka's - A GE Sponsored RP Event
I support roleplay on 2238. Keep it up!
Sad thing it sometimes can end up like roleplaying on a full 32 slot counter-strike server.
But we've discussed game mechanics vs roleplay vs playerbase endless times, so I won't even start on this again.
Unfortunately I have received some rather nasty PMs from people who are less than thrilled to see someone staring up an RP project again.
I'm not looking for the playerbase of things like the Hub RP project or NCR Rangers, as a matter of fact, this event was written as a single player adventure.
So far only two people have participated, so I'm going to extend the time-frame to the 4th of May.
where is your office ill come with my trader char to see if anybody is interested in any goody and mats ;)
The 'office' is in New Adytum right now. But presently the RP is a 'quest', so buying and selling stuff isn't a large part of it.
i can RP with my trader too as long as my english knowledge is good enough , u know ^^
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