Other > General Game Discussion
All your alts are belong to ... you!
Would be a day's work to haul all alts in one place and then relocate them back.
Who Killed Bambi:
I ll post txt:
Cane Sugar - 1 lvl reserved name maybe doctor slaver with 10 homesteaders
Lego - 1 lvl reserved name and maybe 24 lvl unarmed slaver with 10 homesteaders camping clamath exit grid
Nurse - 1 lvl reserved name and maybe 24 lvl doctor with all doctor perks and 300% fa
Charisma - 1 lvl reserved name and maybe 24 lvl slaver fast relog help for Lego (again 10 homesteader alt)
Perception - 1 lvl reserved name and maybe 24 lvl sniper :D
Charles - comedian 1 lvl, camping modoc world map since registration
Charlise - 1 lvl reserved name, leader of faction The Spanish Inquisition, merc leader and uber character
Party Cat - uber sg burster low lvl
Chevalier - fail build
California - 1 lvl reserved name , maybe good character in next time
Norris - 1 lvl reserved name , big gunner, thrower, unarmed guy
Trade VC 1-5 5 alts with 300% barter in future
Trade Reno 1-8
Reno Gambling1 - fail build
Reno Gambling2 - good build, source of bottle caps
VC Miner alt_1-10 instead of cow i m using alts
Charity - 24 lvl crafter, fail build, but can craft almost all
This thread would be more appropriate at the end of this season, now Im not that eager to give out all my chars :P
--- Quote from: A concerned wastelander on April 25, 2012, 08:00:52 pm ---Its the beauty of mmorpgs, no need for alts since you play mmorpgs to interact with others (inluding trade and other things than pvp). ;)
--- End quote ---
You can have multiple characters that don't interact with each other. Although this is not what most people call "alts".
DOMINATRIX - unarmed/melee/healer
NineInchNail - slaver
DeputyDope - SG sniper
PanterA - SG sneaker
LaserSurgery - EW sniper
PsychoPussy - big gunner
DopeFix - crafter/repairman
Craft.Pussy - scientist
CarlJohnson - thief
JohnsonCarl - thief
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