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fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
--- Quote from: lucas. on April 25, 2012, 03:25:32 am ---Makes you wonder if putting master.dat and critter.dat included into installation would bring any problems.
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hrmm of course it would. devs cant do that because that would be pirateing. they would be sued or some shit like that.
i dont think installing the game is a problem here, if someone cant do it properly or search forum for help ,such game is already not for him so he will rage quit anyway.
i think that main problem is a REALLY hard start, when you have nothing but one (crappy) character.
we really HAVE TO do something to make it easier! my sugestions would be:
1.make tents not require any hides but be doable by a command
2.make npcs in towns that give for FREE limitless amount of crapiest weapon of its class and if you are below level 10. and make those weapons even crapier so no trolling with them is possible in any way.that would require new crapy energy weapon that use no ammo maybe, and new crapy big gun with ammo for it, such weapons should be not able to be taken out of inventory in any way either on ground on locker to trade or to be looted from dead body.
maby this is not SO logic idea but it would REALLY do the trick. or enlighten me why not...
Rags to Riches is a great story, and all the more rewarding when you accomplish it without handouts.
This game is hard. I actually like it that way. The more padding a game gets the more stagnant it gets.
I refer you to this analogy for dwarf fortress.
alrite but the problem is more people just quit whe see no way to get ahead in game
and giving somethink really crappy for free is not so much of a help really
it just gives a chance for those 'less smarter'
i think having more people play this game is really worth it
besides youd always not take that free crap and play it as a hardcorer should
in fact if you are smart you will get faster a better not free weapon and do better that way
i just see we have to help those poor people that find begining a dying and loosing all fest
maybe this is desperation but i think its more good than bad
we have to do some sacrifices if we want more people in game
and this is far better solution than some noob-friendly zones nonsens
Malice Song:
--- Quote from: maciek83 on April 25, 2012, 03:28:08 pm ---i think that main problem is a REALLY hard start, when you have nothing but one (crappy) character.
we really HAVE TO do something to make it easier!
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I'd have to disagree here. It's not that the game is actually hard, but there's no difficulty curve, so the biggest challenge for a new player are actually the first few days. A fix to the difficulty curve afaik wouldn't be established by handing out freebies, but by gating areas that introduce progressively difficult situations and concepts, which flies in the face of what the game is.
In fact I'd argue that difficulty isn't an obstacle, but information or rather lack thereof. As is, a new player is thrown into the same gameworld/circumstances as an experienced player with several L24 builds. Since the former isn't forced to pvp the latter, this isn't so much a problem in itself. What is a problem, though, is that a new player not only has no clue what to do, but often comes from a background, where the only possible expectation for Fonline can be "Fallout MMO", which it is actually quite a bit removed from. Throw in the unexpected possibility of pvp anywhere due to basically no safe zones, which often results in distrust in the player base and you basically get massive frustration. The big problem here imo is not so much difficulty, but how to convey a few essential points:
* You're not the Chosen One.
* There is no difficulty curve. Your first few days are your trial by fire, it will be easier after that.
* You're not the Chosen One.
* Other players can and will abuse you. Anytime. Anywhere.
* You're not the Chosen One.
* Until you figure some stuff out, you'll fail constantly. Even after that, get used to death and loss. Just accept it.
* You're not the Chosen One. And in fact you never will be. The game doesn't revolve around you and doesn't give a flying shit to begin with. Deal with it, at least it's not going to get harder.
The reality is, as is, the mod will never be big. And that's fine, the game experience itself is simply too niche. What I did observe however, is that practically every new player expecting a Fallout 2 MMO is raging like crazy and, if no intervention happens, quits a few hours/days in. However, new players without expectations or with the mindset of not having everything handed to them are doing perfectly fine or at least as fine as can be expected in my experience. Granted, sometimes it's just sheer luck, if an experienced player decides to show you the ropes, you will have a much smoother start than on your own. But in the end they're all facing the same starting conditions and those with the appropriate mindset fare exponentially better than those that aren't prepared to be treated by the game like an intruder. Which is basically the piece of information we ideally want to be able to convey to every new player.
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