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Zombie Princess:
ohh really...please i am doing what t-888 is doing all the time. he complained about waves and fast relogs and what sot was doing? lvling new alts in 3s? :D sot posted we cant do anything in bh so i just wanted to post some lol pics and quote them ;] anyway pvp is almost dead and maby our screens will show other gangs they can figt in bh with out sot trutle militia


--- Quote from: pti4ka on April 23, 2012, 09:40:36 am ---And...it's really interesting to see how some guys happy after first success fight...after all fails...all suffers...all humiliations in the end ^_^

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Well, you can't win with the militia anymore and you guys don't do too well when fighting outside your turf (but hey, you're welcome in Modoc to try again anytime!), so I strongly suggest you get used to them being happy and you being humiliated... or just level up your game a bit ;D

Rage master:
CS smashed last SOT fortress. t-888 why you want to change tc system? you posted "no militia" and there is no militia :) you posted "no waves" so we can agree no waves or max 2alts over map?

Stop this nonsense. Nobody is an angel and doesn't use militia at all , even CS used militia against us yesterday. Though it doesn't mean i have to come to forum and whine about it , we used militia , they use militia now. So what's the difference ? None at all , sounds fair to me.

I want to change the TC system , so we all can have a much more easier time participating and getting some fights in evenings. I don't want to sit with a sneaker all day long checking influence , it's stupid when you go take some positions in cities and wait forever for someone to show up. Though we pay much attention to BH , so when you enter the city , you don't have to wait long. I can't say the same thing for other teams that own towns.

--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on April 23, 2012, 12:44:44 pm ---Well, you can't win with the militia anymore and you guys don't do too well when fighting outside your turf.

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I can say the same thing about you. It's always a disadvantage to not fight in " own turf " , that goes for every team.

Player arrogance just doesn't see through that SOT have won very much battles without any militia only nobody cares to recall those fights , instead they point out the worst so that only they look good and we bad. That's very sad.

--- Quote from: Rage master on April 23, 2012, 02:24:29 pm ---CS smashed last SOT fortress. t-888 why you want to change tc system? you posted "no militia" and there is no militia :) you posted "no waves" so we can agree no waves or max 2alts over map?

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CS and AGREE on something with us ? Are you shitting me ? I usually am quite reasonable for that kind of stuff and wouldn't mind to agree on something , but i somehow don't believe it can be done with CS. It's no honor fighting you. :) I might as well spawn 40 mercenaries on your team and don't feel bad about it.

If only you wouldn't act so childishly about everything you do , i would maybe think otherwise.


--- Quote from: T-888 on April 23, 2012, 03:05:00 pm ---(...) I can say the same thing about you.(...)

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tl, dr;
Of course you can say anything, but who's going to listen aside from your teammates? You've alienated so many people with your constant bullshit you're going to have to eat cake now that you have no towns and no militia to hide behind. So there, nom-nom, I hope you enjoy the taste.


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