This wont help you win really...
There wasn't enough bullshit last season to reply on this forum.
I don't mind if someone posts screens of our failures , because were not unbeatable , nor immortal so my only guess why there is so much hassle and troll attached to those screens and around us , is because there are some " very gifted " players in some of these factions. Then they compliment us with another new topic once in a while specially dedicated to one screen that doesn't actually show only our failure , but how desperate and miserable they are for acknowledgment of their own. The problem is they don't succeed much. If someone hasn't noticed , i haven't made any of these stupid moan and whine topics and don't post without a reason , nor out of blue sky. So next time someone actually decides to be smart about us , they know who will come to talk , i have enough free time and patience. That way each single player at least retarded at best can know how to avoid the big bad troll of the arrogant bitch , god , verbal destroyer , hypocrite , new player of fonline T-888 , right ? Whatever

, you get the point don't talk smart about SOT and i just have no problems having a laugh about myself once in a while.

your frags there? you brought frag grenades to that battle? shame ; /
No offense. I think your whole existence is some form of abstract art.