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Happy 4:20 2238!

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--- Quote from: chocolate_chip_cookies on April 21, 2012, 05:39:16 am ---And I think that the reason marijuana isn't legalized yet is that someone has a profit from it being illegal. Maybe it's that the prescription drug companies have monopoly for drug production. Or maybe there's some corrupt deals happening behind closed doors between politicians and gangs running the illegal drug industry.

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Yes, this is also what I meant by corporations bribing politicians.

It's depressing as hell.  But like the world of deus ex, corporations control the world now.  Enjoy  :(

Just smoke it at home and never keep enough around in case you get caught.

There's a difference of charges between "user" and "dealer" based on the amount you're carrying, just be smart and you won't need to check your clock every year.

It is sad to see how something natural and peaceful like marijuana is comparable to heavier drugs that can actually fuck you up in less than a year.

Oh yeah... Evil corporations and stuff.


This is a proof of bilocation.


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