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FOnline:2238 memes

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And how is that a meme? Such humble people...

Agreed, totally out of place.


When the server goes offline and there is a rollback, and because of this you lose the products of your effort and/or time spent on the game (for example, you had levelled a character and it goes back to a low level, or you've been farming a lot but now you have to do it again), you prefer to call that rollback a "trollback" instead.


--- Quote from: Eternauta on April 20, 2012, 05:40:19 am ---F
"FA/DOC please"
"FA LeMark!"
"FA proterran!"

--- End quote ---

Stitch meh!

always said by chars with low intelligence instead of "FA!"

As i said bilion times, more than half of this are not memes of fonline in any way. Just some random stuff which war created 10 seconds before posting.

I say, Xoen Cow, FA proterran, Soon and APK/PK are true memes.


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