Ape or
PvP apeCan refer to:
1 - the most common form of a powerplayer in FOnline: a player who is very interested in TC/PvP, and wants to be able to participate and be competent in it, not caring about game atmosphere, and sometimes not even about game rules. This can go from the mere creation of a lot of specialized alts and stealing from NPC factions, to abusing exploits.
2 - a specific ingame character with a minimaxed, drug-using build, useful for PvP combat only (and mostly Real Time, and Town Control), usually backed by many alts that belong to the same player or their faction.
NCR AFKersUsually a synecdoche used to talk about "noobs". New players often go AFK while standing in towns, instead of moving to Worldmap, because they are unaware of the risk of being stolen from or even killed. This expression mentions NCR/Shady Sands not only because it tends to be the most populated location (except for northern towns during TC) but also because of the many thieves, suicide bombers and trolls you can find there. This makes NCR bazaar a dangerous place and going AFK in there is considered to be a sign of a lack of experience in the player. The expression also reminds of the "North/South" opposition.
North and SouthMost of the towns located in the northern "hemisphere" of the worldmap are unprotected TC places, while most of the towns in the South are protected. Because of this, words like "North" or "northern" are usually related to PvP and PvP players, while "South" and "southern" refer to activities and players not so related to PvP (newbies, roleplayers, etc).
"roleplaying raider, lol!"An alternative to "
wasteland is harsh", this is sometimes said by PKs as a fake excuse when killing for no reason. The joke lies in the opposition between PvP and RP (usually viewed as opposite concepts in FOnline) - the PK says he is playing the role of a raider as if this would overcome the opposition and make both elements coexist in his gameplay, but obviously this is not true and he is just killing for the sake of it.
"GM ABOOZE!"Sometimes poeple mean it when they say this, sometimes it's a joke about the prejudice that every single thing that contradicts or is thought to contradict the game mechanics is the product of a drunk and bored GM who logged in just to troll players by abusing his powers.