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server will be empty

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Killer Rabbit:

--- Quote from: Cheesey Dean on April 18, 2012, 07:48:21 am ---The big PVP factions are never going to try that. Want to know why? Because in that game, they have no way to rise above, take advantage of, and exploit others. In this game, they have the smaller and/or weaker players and factions to feed off of and gain stuff from
 Unless they're all banned, SoT, CS, and the like are here for good and there's nothing we can do about it.

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if i get it right you think big pvp gangs are feeding on weakers players? :D man right now on the battlefield stay CS, SOT, BBS. Non of them are loot-oriented. Sure looting weapons amo and drugs is funny but it is not a point of pvp. Yesterday we fought with sot+mutants militia in bh and we won 3times but last 2 fights we lost. I looted from sot 1gauss and 2avengers but we lost in next 2 battles lot of stuff. And i dont see havks or coa with avengers, gatlings, lsw, gausses in pvp


--- Quote from: Astegos on April 15, 2012, 04:41:33 pm ---The fact is many players have quit because have been killed and raped many times from other players in towns. i was almost to leave too.

If the game continues like that, the only games will stay on server will be the "killers"

I believe some thinks must change. to find the wastelander on desert and kill him has a logic.. becuse there is no other people there. but in cities must be a karma penalty for killing.

i really don’t care for the time i have lost to figure out the rules, and assholes. but i want many players on game for fun.

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PKing is not the main reason behind so many players leaving. Everyone that I know who is no longer playing or just not playing as much does so because the game got very lame. This is mainly due to; the crafting system/TC/blue prints/ in general things being nerfed, incomplete or just not working.

Hects Hakal:
The end is near

This game was more fun when it was blatantly broken, and anarchic in a fresh and silly way- not just pk/thieving/etc.

Suggestions: (yes I know wrong thread, but it links to current conversation)

Open bases to being found after they have been around a while and/or have high level members.
(Need a way to keep the level count from being gamed by adding filler alts.)

T R A C K I N G.

Make towns rebel if left alone too long, and militia have loyalty like mercenaries.

Also- caught thieves are kicked from NPC factions.


--- Quote from: Swinglinered on April 22, 2012, 03:20:58 am ---Open bases to being found after they have been around a while and/or have high level members.
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Hmmm... what about loners or small factions who don't have a high active member count or the funds to supply merc guards? While it'd be nice to find a base and raid it, the smaller groups and lone players will suffer.

--- Quote from: Swinglinered on April 22, 2012, 03:20:58 am ---Make towns rebel if left alone too long, and militia have loyalty like mercenaries.
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Sounds like a good idea, but how often are towns left alone?

--- Quote from: Swinglinered on April 22, 2012, 03:20:58 am ---Also- caught thieves are kicked from NPC factions.

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Depends on the faction i guess...


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