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Tribes: ascend - free to play FPS

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I wonder how many of our power build-pk-uber-bluesuit-eaters would like to try their chances in totally free continuation of Tribes franchise. High-rez studios came out with free to play FPS which got out of beta some time ago.

Most important thing is that it's actually well balanced F2P game. You can buy yourself small advantage over other players by using real money to get weapons and such BUT it's barely noticeable difference since you can quickly make it up just by playing and earning exp (weapons and upgrades are affordable with experience points).

I've never threw a penny and am doing just damn fine... other thing is I really should because there is no other way to show my appreciation towards hi-rez who does great job in listening to community and with continuing development of game.

Anyway grab a link.
It's of course referral link so anybody who's going to get into game via it is helping me a little but hey... at least I'm honest right? ...right? uh...


Some wonderful gameplay

So... yeah anyone willing to play with OR against me bring it on. My nick is KittyTail and everyone who are already playing throw your names so I can team up with ya.

Looks like candy for me , but it seems my PC most probably won't handle it. Depends on how good the game can be customized , like quake live where you change everything to look like legoland and make the game run on a complete garbage if you wish so. :)

looks like the unreal engine


--- Quote from: T-888 on April 14, 2012, 07:50:29 pm ---Looks like candy for me , but it seems my PC most probably won't handle it. Depends on how good the game can be customized , like quake live where you change everything to look like legoland and make the game run on a complete garbage if you wish so. :)

--- End quote ---

2 gig of ram and an integrated shit-card doesn't go well with real life graphics.

Tbh looks like crap and people still play starsiege tribes. Load of mods and somewhat alive community.


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