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General thoughts on the game

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Thanks to all for adivices, I said noob but I can handle myself, I used a lot the wiki (but a lot of things are outdated I saw) and I managed to have a safehouse (thanks to some guys that explained me the ranger quest) and I can craft some weapon to handle some npc. But this blueprint thing I really cant get this well, I saw gun runners give some quest for beer, never found this, others talk about some sort of lockers arround but never found and I dont have lockpicking so they are usess, I thought buy them by other players but prices are very high and even with some quest it takes a lot of time.

I think about it and I see the samaritans maybe I find someone that want to play (I understand now recuirtment is more on forum than in game, usually is opposite but ok I try this way).


There might be a quest that gives very good caps.....


--- Quote from: JovankaB on April 12, 2012, 05:37:19 pm ---I learned about most people in game. In my opinion it's much more reliable than forums and IRC.
Forum and IRC tell nothing who can stab you in back. In game, in the long run, it's hard to hide
how you really like to treat others. You must observe people and get to know them.

But it's a long process, and by "looking for friends in game" you probably have in mind something
like standing in town for 2 minutes and shouting "I want in gang", right? Time is itans after all :P

--- End quote ---

avv, your advice is ok for already in-tuned people but not for newbies at all.

best they find someone in their own travels.

To be honest i loved ALL the changes made, to unarmed, to sneak, to crit and anti-crit, to followers, tents, perks, traits, craft, prof, neutral prof requirements on items, so on

John Porno:

--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 14, 2012, 01:01:57 am ---This.

avv, your advice is ok for already in-tuned people but not for newbies at all.

best they find someone in their own travels.

--- End quote ---
the best advice he can get is from a guy who actually knows the game. Semi-shit advice is not all that helpful. The most important part of a gang is the flow of information. Dicking around ingame without a clue doesn't get you anywhere anytime soon.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on April 12, 2012, 05:37:19 pm ---I learned about most people in game. In my opinion it's much more reliable than forums and IRC.
Forum and IRC tell nothing who can stab you in back. In game, in the long run, it's hard to hide
how you really like to treat others. You must observe people and get to know them.
--- End quote ---
Do you want to get to know a character or a person? You dont really know anyone unless you have actually talked to him on voicechat.

also, the ncr population is by no means representative for the whole of the community.

My advice to raul: Get on irc, learn about the existing factions, look them up on the wiki. Then generally read the forum and look for people that seem to write reasonable posts and see if you can pm them or talk to them on irc. If you're lucky they can help you and prevent you from either ragequitting in 2 weeks or from wasting your next months on a pointless exerperience.

bottom line: Fonline PvE is easy, IF you know how to do it, however the game is made in a way that you'd never find out on your own.


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