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Why to be good and report bad things

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For me thanks and respect are enough to report thingies, but gratz for kookiez.

if pofit is high i wont report it ;D


--- Quote from: jacky. on April 09, 2012, 02:54:48 pm ---if pofit is high i wont report it ;D

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That's why I am thinking by myself, why FOnline is still beta...
It should be like on CBT, free stuff from NPCs, because its stupid, that players act like players not like testers anymore...
In early days of World of Tank, there was a beta in which you were given gold for free by just joining the beta and finding bugs, now its full version because bugs were repaired and content added, then you won't get free gold now , but need to pay for it.
Iam mostly talking about that players don't report bugs, because they take this game seriously, not like beta but just a game with bugs, which are abused to get items.
Devs, please change something.


--- Quote from: Tomowolf on April 09, 2012, 03:00:58 pm ---That's why I am thinking by myself, why FOnline is still beta...
It should be like on CBT, free stuff from NPCs, because its stupid, that players act like players not like testers anymore...
In early days of World of Tank, there was a beta in which you were given gold for free by just joining the beta and finding bugs, now its full version because bugs were repaired and content added, then you won't get free gold now , but need to pay for it.
Iam mostly talking about that players don't report bugs, because they take this game seriously, not like beta but just a game with bugs, which are abused to get items.
Devs, please change something.
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That's what cbt is like. But what happened in cbt was that we didn't test how to get stuff because we got it from npcs. That's why some bugs related to getting caps and stuff slipped past cbt because nobody was concentrating on the methods to get stuff. When you are really challenged to get stuff, that's when you find all the exloits but trouble is that you are tempted to keep those methods to yourself.


--- Quote from: avv on April 09, 2012, 03:14:14 pm ---but trouble is that you are tempted to keep those methods to yourself.

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Why...? You know, there will be a thing called wipe some day, and your method will bring you 0 items in total, then again and again. May be some "players" are here just to be richer and powerful than others, then it's their problems that they're playing on beta-test, a game, which isn't completed yet and requires testing from all users.


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