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Why to be good and report bad things

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--- Quote from: Trokanis on April 11, 2012, 02:51:22 am ---I think it's funny that Rat is talking about testing and not playing, mostly because his favorite pass time was bombing merchants and causing people grief in NCR.

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Exactly, I really miss Sha Enin and locking him in BoS bunker and then see Surf or someone trying to find him, and then stand on Sha Enin's original hex and see GM's reaction on "Why the hell Sha Enin won't return??", because it's fun to troll GMs, but:
1) It doesn't mean I'm doing it everyday, for today I even can't remember when I trolled in-game last time...
2) When you need to remove exploit, you first need to find it, to find it, you must... try it? And if it's fun, of course repeat it until they fix it, and only then find another one. Each time I did some abusing, I reported it and in most cases made suggestions to how remove problem / improve something related to it, and I consider myself beta-tester more than player.

People are just bored.

Finding bugs/sploits is pretty much the only fun thing except for griefing.

One just punish himself for reporting a exploit.

I wouldn't report if i ever found one. And you know why? You get nothing in return.

"may i keep this caps, please? Just this one time"
-you've been hit by 999999 hitpoints and were killed.


--- Quote from: Horatio on April 13, 2012, 06:02:35 pm ---One just punish himself for reporting a exploit.

I wouldn't report if i ever found one. And you know why?

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Because you're idiot and play unfinished game.


--- Quote from: Tomowolf on April 13, 2012, 06:09:41 pm ---Because you're idiot and play unfinished game.

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No, because i quote a moron in this post. Oh pardon, a brownnosing moron. Try harder, you will perhaps get a stamp of approval and a sub-GM title.


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