Other > Closed suggestions
Fire Gecko Pelts
maybe have a deathclaw hide leather armour, it would protect you to 70% against normal damage, but the other resistances suck ass, and it has a negative resistance to fire ::), would be pretty sweet, no?
Wasn't that proposed several times already? How many times do I have to say that this is a very good idea?!
Currently it would be too much work to make a new jacket animations, so the inventory image would have to suffice, but later if this whole 3d chars thing will come to life that would be just a matter of recolouring...
And yes, this game needs more armors. Definitely.
I definitely would like to see fire gecko/death claw/alien/floater pelts and don't forget we have mouse skin already
Its definitely sweet idea but thats pretty much any idea that involves item modifications and upgrades.
--- Quote from: bipboy on March 15, 2010, 08:14:21 pm ---and don't forget we have mouse skin already
--- End quote ---
Oh, dammit Mouse Armors Rulez!
Heh, 2.5d is coming, any volunteers for recouloring armors? ::)
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