whats about when u stuck in unlockable room ?
"+requesthelp i'm stuck, please help me!"
Ultra high chance that you'll get message that none online.
Very small chance that GM will appear near you and may be help you.
"+requesthelp you dumb fucks ahaha jail me!"
Ultra small chance that you'll get message that none online.
High chance that it'll teleport you to jail, so you'll get out from that locked room!
Average chance that your screen will fade and you'll see main menu.
"+requesthelp I found super-puper exploit how to copy gauss pistols!"
Small chance that you'll get message that none online.
Average chance that GM will appear near you and start stare on you. Then you'll have to say something.
Average chance that GM will teleport you to himself, then you just need to sorry and say that you mistaken and ask to teleport to NCR.