Author Topic: NastyKhan's stuff  (Read 22492 times)

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
NastyKhan's stuff
« on: April 08, 2012, 09:58:56 pm »
Greetings 3d Comrades,

I must say that i'm truly impressed of your results as well good cooperation. Well done! So i decided to join you and do my best to help you. I'm at the very very beginning of 3d journey, cos i just started watching blender tutorial. I'm learning fast though, so i thought i might be useful. Anyway, here are my workings:

Welcome to my 3D stuff gallery, where you can see items and weapons made by me.
For armors and clothes, click HERE.
Enjoy your stay ;)

*(XY) means "this thing have more or less XY triangles"


v. 1.0 (80):

v. 1.1 (40):

v. 1.2 (40):


Heart medalion
v. 1.0 (100):

v. 1.1 (28)


Brahmin hide
v. 1.0 (32):
Note that it's not flat. It's a little convex.

v. 1.1 (32):

v. 1.2 (50):


Ultra stimpak
v. 1.0 (260):

v. 1.1 (160):


Improved heaterchamber
v. 1.0 (200):

v. 1.1 (88):


Combat backpack
v. 1.0 (100):
I designed it to be easy to re-texture, so making - i dunno - black version, or camo or hello kitty backpack is not a big deal.

v. 1.1 (70):
ultra easy to re-texture:


Rangers map
v. 1.0 (32):

v. 1.1 (6)


Stealth boy
v. 1.0 (246):

v. 1.1 (120):

v. 1.2 (120):


Regardless of what you think about F3 - this gun RULES. Face it!

Inventory icon:
Retro (8 bit ) Inventory icon:

v. 1.0 (370):
Model (1024x1024 textures):
Model (128x128 textures):

v. 1.1 (240):

Don't forget about sounds! (i modified them a little to fit the game):
It would be awesome to see this thing in Fonline. Let say.. moderate damage, short range, armor piercing and increased critical change. What do you think?


Paper bag (12):
It might be used as "generic item 1" graphic for every tiny items that doesn't have their own model.


Old lunch box (32):
It might be used as "generic item 2" graphic for every tiny items that doesn't have their own model.


Some big thing wrapped in old newspapers (108):
It might be used as "generic item 3" graphic for every bigger items that doesn't have their own model.


v. 1.0 (16):

v. 1.1 (56):


Sonic shotgun (probably the most awesome gun in the wasteland) (420): (1024x1024)


Pickaxe (36):
This item can have two usings: First - it's an armor piercing melee weapon ("hammer" type). Second - it can be equipped by Broken Hills' mutant miners for decoration.


Bigson Protocaster (316):
In 2077 known as the most prized and precise electric guitar model ever made. In 2238, while impossible to be played on any longer - it still might be turned into a Sonic Shotgun energy weapon. (1024x1024) (128x128)


Locket (50):


Playing Cards (12):


Railway spikes (180):


Misc items tracker shortcut:

I'll add new stuff once i made some.
Feel free to comment.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2012, 12:14:47 am by NastyKhan »

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline Haraldx

  • This forum... The memories... The history...
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2012, 10:35:18 pm »
That's some pretty nice stuff actually! Keep on going like that!
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2012, 11:19:34 pm »
Thanks :)

Added an Improved heaterchamber (check 1st post) and Combat backpack. Enjoy!

..and a rangers map.

..and a Stealth boy! Yeah!

..and a little Easter Egg - Bang-Choo-Choo AKA Railway Rifle!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 05:50:13 pm by NastyKhan »

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline Michaelh139

  • Goin for 900,000...
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2012, 06:30:46 pm »
The railway rifle WOULD have been totally badass if it didn't crash the fucking game every time I used it.

They never did fix that...
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.

Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2012, 06:34:54 pm »
Few things were as satisfying in f3 as decapitating people with railway spikes.

Offline mrninjamonk

  • Crazy 88
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2012, 12:01:49 am »
Looks really good man, hope you keep it up :) and The railways spikes were pretty satisfying in fo3 :P One of the few saving factors, haha

Offline barter1113

  • New Vegas fanatic =)
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2012, 12:20:59 pm »
OMG Buffouts and new gun looking epic. Wow, wow, wow very nice. I wait for more stuff from you  8)

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2012, 09:34:41 pm »
Thanks :) Although I'm just a simple beginner really.

Anyway - i'll add new stuff once i get some replies from devs/gms.

Please inform me if you notice that any of links doesn't works anymore. "Screenshooter" pics like do die very fast.

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 02:52:08 am »
I'm very much liking the look of these. They're good, clear and functional models - though I think you can probably simplify a couple of them and save some polygons. Remember not to worry about making the tiny items perfect, as they're probably barely visible in game. That gun at the bottom is looking very promising, and the FO style inventory icon is looking pretty awesome and pretty accurate as far as I can tell without checking it in game.

For trimming a few bits off the poly count, if you think the bottle of buffout or heart medallion are going to be relative to the size of the character's hands... then that's roughly something like this (little photoshop test) :
that's the medallion on the left, and bottle of buffout on the right... I think.

Not a great pictorial example, and they might end up 2x bigger - but I'm sure you get the idea. You could skip the fine detail of the chain (or perhaps ignore it entirely?), as it's going to be less than a pixel big. We're still likely to be using the original sprites for inventory pictures, and possibly on-the-floor items, so feel free to trim out some details, or simply apply them with the texturing. Armours and weapons, and anything which already appears in game needs to be pretty spot on (i.e. we want metal armour 3D to look like metal armour 2D), but the extra stuff which isn't already represented by an in-game sprite... I think you can be pretty free with those if you want (someone else feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

You could trim the count on the buffout by using a 8 or even 6 sided bottle, rather than 10 (i.e. the "circle" has fewer segments). Ultimately it's not going to make much difference visually if you drop that a little.

Don't worry too much and spend ages clawing away at a model to save a few polygons, but you can probably simplify a lot of these by breaking them down into basic shapes and ignoring the rest. There's some great examples if you look at the drink bottles from Haraldx, Mr Gazo and White Tiger on the Misc items tracker. There's some clever use of a bit of "painted on the texture" shadows and details, which mean you can pretty much make them into simple shapes.

A few bits which always cost loads of polygons are things like straps or wires - every little bend in it will add another 8 or 12 polygons. If you can find a way to chop them off, then I'd recommend it, as even on a high detail object (i.e. gun or armour) they're only going to be a single pixel line on screen. If they're necessary, try and minimise the curves and drop the "cylinder" of the wire to 3 sides. I will try and explain by the use of chocolate :
Old Smarties tubes were too high-poly, so they changed to a hexagonal tube design
However, Toblerone is the ultimate in low-poly chocolate packaging :P

If you've got a non-essential round tube, aim for "Toblerone". If it looks too bad, step it up to 4 or 6 sides. Save those extra polygons for a nicely rounded gun barrel.

As said before - don't waste hours trying to trim a few polygons (it'll make little difference), but if you spot a quick way to cut it by half, go for it.

One of the other bits that'll help a lot, in terms of poly count and appearance would be a bit more painting on the textures - for example on the backpack, a bit of "burn tool" could add a little dirtiness to it, and also emphasise the shadow between the upper / lower sections. We do have some engine lighting / shadow working now, but you can get a little extra definition through a bit of painting. View your models zoomed all the way out, so they're about the right size on screen - should give you a bit of an indication of how visible certain elements are.

Anyway, as said before - all looking very promising. Be good if you could upload the models as .obj or .3ds and the textures, so we can have a closer look and make some further suggestions - and if you'd like, tinker with the models a bit and send them back so you can look yourself how some of the changes are done.

Ultimately, it's great to see some new faces volunteering to help out with this "pile of things that need doing". As several people have noted recently, we're not actually that far off something properly testable, and extra people can often give that little push of motivation to get things moving again. Nice one.

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2012, 09:41:27 pm »
Damn i must say i haven't thought about scaling.. You totally right - small items (at the size of fist) won't be recognizable anyway. The polycount HAVE to be reduced. Me dumb, sori.

About texture shading though i must say that i'm already doing it! Well.. ok. Maybe only in some cases, but i do! ;) Just check the Railway Rifle 1024x1024. Well, yes - of course i know what you're talking about. Will be done. :)

Meanwhile i have two suggestions:
1. How about making ONE textured model for every small object (that will probably never be hold in a hand anyway, like improved heat chamber), which would be.. let say.. a paper bag? Or some kind of box? This might save us a LOTS of work and probably some CPU memory. I can do this.

2. What about creating a brand new location in current Fo2238, which would be in 3d? I mean all current cities will remain untouched, but there would be ONE place where 3d critters would spawn. Why? First - it could be a final testing arena for Devs. Second - other players may see how the things are going without being FORCED to do so. (remember 3d deathclaw problems?). And that's also a one good way to promote the whole project and got some volontaires.

Oh yeah - one more thing. Will that models be used as a ground items graphic or not? y/n
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 09:51:42 pm by NastyKhan »

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline Haraldx

  • This forum... The memories... The history...
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2012, 02:18:49 pm »
1. How about making ONE textured model for every small object (that will probably never be hold in a hand anyway, like improved heat chamber), which would be.. let say.. a paper bag? Or some kind of box? This might save us a LOTS of work and probably some CPU memory. I can do this.
Highly possible. To be honest I'm still confused why we need all these models. o.O
2. What about creating a brand new location in current Fo2238, which would be in 3d? I mean all current cities will remain untouched, but there would be ONE place where 3d critters would spawn. Why? First - it could be a final testing arena for Devs. Second - other players may see how the things are going without being FORCED to do so. (remember 3d deathclaw problems?). And that's also a one good way to promote the whole project and got some volontaires.
A great idea actually. Will prevent bugs section being flooded upon 3D gets final and other stuff.
Will that models be used as a ground items graphic or not? y/n
As far as I know - no. A rather powerful GPU would be required to enter bases without lags in such a case. :P
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2012, 03:29:28 pm »
1 - Yes, in a way you're right. Some of them could certainly be simplified into "generic item in hand 1" and "generic item in hand 2" (much like the existing sprites use the little medical bags or cardboard boxes for most things). All the little misc bits are probably much lower priority than sorting weapons, armours and clothing and people etc. However, they're really good bits to practice on (as you've found yourself), and as the 3D stuff is ultimately meant for any Fonline 3D mod - people may want them for other projects. Personally I'd be quite keen to render out a couple of new ground sprites from these.

2 - Agree with this, though I think a separate downloadable "test it on your own computer" one needs to be available first, so the majority of bugs can be removed by a committed team of 3D nerds. There's still a couple of major problems which are out of our control - one of which is the "person is hit by bullet before the weapon animation has raised the gun" sort of thing. I think that needs something changing at the engine level - something like an "action frame" to be settable.

3 - To my knowledge, for ground items we'd be using original sprites where available and clear, and rendering new png sprites for the ground items which are added, or were originally just generic images (i.e. brahmin hide and gecko hide want new ground sprites instead of the boxes they currently use). At some point someone will need to set up a "render item on ground" template, then we can process everything pretty quickly.

Offline Graf

  • Moderator
  • "Next Day" developer
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2012, 06:03:44 pm »
I'm pretty impressed with the work you've done here. Keep it up!

P.S. Do you mind to post a download link for all these models? I have to check them, and upload to the trackers.

Offline NastyKhan

  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2012, 08:55:54 pm »
Thanks for support :)

Once again i fully agree with you, especially with first paragraph. Yeah, you're right. Doing those tiny things is a GREAT way to improve modeling skills. And probably all those people who was helping wouldn't be happy to see a big "MEH, NVM" sign :)

Thanks, of course i'll do. But first i want to make some "upgrades", like reducing polys or improving texturing.

I'll add some new stuff on the weekend. I currently follow misc items tracker, plus thinking about some new weapons maybe. Once done - i'll start doing clothes and armors. (when that happens i gonna need lots of your help though)

Ok i upgraded some items, as Luther suggested:

- cylinder resolution decreased from 10 to 5 edges
- new texture added, so the label is easier to recognize

Heart medallion:
- some polygons removed
- new texture added with black shape-shading
- quadro "chain" replaced by golden ribbon-chain
- Handy Shape - the medallion should be hold by the ribbon-chain

Brahmin hide:
- Handy Shape (the item has been reshaped, simulating gravity, so it would look more realistic while holding in the hand)

Ultra stimpak:
- quadro-wires replaced by ribbon-wires
- Handy Shape

Improved heaterchamber:
- some polygons removed
- quadro-wires replaced by ribbon-wires
- Handy Shape
- retextured
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 02:33:44 am by NastyKhan »

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.

Offline Luther Blissett

  • Moderator
Re: NastyKhan's stuff
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2012, 03:44:11 am »
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with :)