Other > Tools and Modifications
Name Colorizing editor by xpath
Update 20100312
wow, tested...REALLY NICE!
can i use url-files ?
прикрути пожалуйста скачку с гугл-документов как тут http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=685.0
чтобы можно было объёединять файлы
--- Quote from: Resp on April 04, 2010, 03:07:50 pm ---can i use url-files ?
прикрути пожалуйста скачку с гугл-документов как тут http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=685.0
чтобы можно было объёединять файлы
--- End quote ---
No, you can't. But you can use advanced copy/paste mode. Just copy content (or part of the content) of other name colorizing file to text box of the program (which is on the top). Select insertion mode to other in the selection box and press add entries button. It will parse content in the text box as the content of colorizing file and will add parsed records to the table below (after selected row). Also it will parse all colors and will add it to corresponding comboboxes.
I don't see necessarity to add downloading of the files from google docs because it is not commonly used feature how i think. And this operation can be easily done by copy/paste in the program.
Не вижу необходимости в этом. Практически не знаком ни с кем, кто юзает для шаринга файлов колорайзинга google docs.
--- Code: ---Error occured: Color parameter outside of expected range: Green Blue
--- End code ---
any idea? ;] maybe u add in next version sth like "what line is bad" ? ;D
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