Other > Tools and Modifications

Name Colorizing editor by xpath

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Hello FOnline community.

Recently i wrote the tool for editing of name colorizing file. It requires Java 6 to be installed on your PC. I tried to implement various features which can be helpful during editing.

There are English and Russian language versions.

Here are some shots of interface.

Update 20100312 Added functionality to extract nicknames from the FOnline log files (saved by F2 during the game). You can search in more than one file at the time. Menu Tools->Extract from Lof File. There are 2 options for searching: All Names - will search for all nicknames, Absent Names - wll search only nicknames which absent in the currently opened name colorizing file. Current pattern for name extraction in reqular expression language is:

--- Code: ---^\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2} • (Oops! |Е мое! |Эге! |Эх-ма! |Эх! )?(Была? ранена? )?([^:?]{4,12})(:|, а не| получил| перенес| критич| промазал| промахнул| ранен!(ие)| was hit| was crit| missed)
--- End code ---
If you know how to improve it let me know. I don't have too much english logs for testing so maybe some situations are missing.
The lack of the pattern is that NPC names can be parsed also as well as players names.

Update 20100615 Added requested feature to download and join NameColorizing files from the WEB. Program understands google docs link and direct links. Pattern for google docs is http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid={docId}&... To download and join few files at the time add each link to the new line of the URLs opening dialog. You can add content from the web to the already existing NameColorizing. Just open necessary file then use menu Tools->'Add Entries from URLs'.

Default encoding for the files downloaded from the WEB is UTF-8. If you need another one you can modify main.properties inside jar the field called defaultUrlFileEncoding.

Enjoy it!

it's realy good
thx very match
i download now and will bee testing

буду пробовать

Wow man, thats really nice. thanks

Looks nice, I thought about making something like this before, looks like you've saved me the trouble :)

nice JOB !  :D


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