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Crafting stimpacks and more

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Stealing is a bit absurd because it requires making an alt for the sole purpose of robbing encounters of loot. The alt is useless for anything that has to do with real gameplay and if they made it so enclave and such weren't buffed to ridiculous levels you could get that gear by killing them with your real char.

serious clown:

--- Quote from: avv on April 10, 2012, 04:14:50 pm ---Because it's something devs don't want us to do?

Every time you do something ingame, you should have the following point of view in your mind: "If I were to design a game, would I want players to play it like this?". So if you designed a game based on fallout do you think that players should get their superstimpaks and 5mm ap ammo by joining BOS and stealing from them while getting bursted every now and then but still coming back?

--- End quote ---

Yes because that is what makes this game unique as opposed to playing some shitty mainstream mmo where the theif is a gay elf back stabbing people with a dagger, and are too pussy to implament a thing such as "drug crafting" because its politically incorrect.

This is a mod for fallout2 and its kind of its own game than sticking to being a fallout mmo co-op. I put this game in the mindset that its a mod, and mods generally have features that change the gameplay of the original game. Trust me if there was a better english server that stuck to more of what "fallout 1/2 mmo should be" I would be playing that instead.

They are called the brotherhood of steal for a reason. But the idea that bos stealing should be changed nerfed or removed for whatever reason would piss me off and make me not want to play this game ever agian. That is why I reacted and wrote what I did when somebody said it was abuse.

Not all of us like to craft and blue print hunt so we have other alternatives to get our gear drugs and super stims. And making a theif is that alternative.

But to the original topic, last wipe I actually enjoyed crafting all my drugs and super stims and I agree that the current system is kind of shitty for drug crafting, going to some pk friendly area to craft, going to get the needles in reno then go to san fran or vc and get gels and then spend an hour gathering flowers then have to travel to necropolis I agree it is shit.

Last session crafting was great. I notice some people that like the BP implementation do to not want people to have 100's of CA/rifles/drugs/etc.

Lets think really hard about this ok.

Last session I take the time to get all the mats/craft/wait for cool downs etc. I only ever owned so many CA last session and losing them sucked since it took a little bit to get them.

Now I can get ca from hub patrols and even though they are not 100% durability that's OK because I like to PVP and there is a good chance I will get ganked so I didn't lose pristine armor, I lost crappy armor.

So now I have TONS of CA that are expendable. Thanks to this new horrible crafting system I will no longer take my time to craft I will hunt for them. And I also steal from npcs because of this.

You need to change the crafting system it's absolutely ridiculous.


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