Other > Gang Issues

PWNED stuff

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Dark Angel:

--- Quote from: seb910 on April 15, 2012, 08:58:06 am ---We have got Klamath so there is no chance for you.

--- End quote ---

We haven't 5 alts on WM like every member of u

Thats weird cuz I don`t have 5 fighter builds. Anyway what`s your problem? Just make some

Dark Angel:

--- Quote from: seb910 on April 15, 2012, 09:36:16 am ---Thats weird cuz I don`t have 5 fighter builds. Anyway what`s your problem? Just make some

--- End quote ---
I have 7, but not all from us have time to exp

Stop crying on forum start exping :D I don't have even 3 fighter builds


--- Quote from: Perteks on April 15, 2012, 03:26:33 pm ---Stop crying on forum start exping :D I don't have even 3 fighter builds

--- End quote ---

Instead of crying on forums and exping, people also might choose the option to to quit the game.


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