Other > Closed suggestions


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First off I like radios, I think if more people used them it would be fun, at the moment the IRC is completely pointless if you play fullscreen and im not commited to my dorkdom so much that im going to use vent. I support the ideas of radios and I think that installing it on your pipboy would be fine as long as you lost the function when you died, you would also have to pass say a science/repair check to see if you could install it correctly. Currently I think the radio is fine as long as you can organize people, I think the first time everyone got a radio they were excited and the first thing they do is hop on and say hi to the world, mostly with no response, which discourages people from bothering with it.

I would really like to see radios used more in-game... decrease the carrying weight and I would never take it out of my second equipped spot :)

I vote make it accessible to everyone from the start.

If you make it too difficult to bother with, or lost after death, most people simply won't use it. Why waste time ingame to get a feature that is more conveniently replicated outside the game?

its not convienant though, i never use irc or vent and i hate playing my game windowed.

Yeah honestly I won't allow myself to use vent if anyone else is in my house. I just won't. And checking IRC every five seconds gets on my nerves. I think there's two ways to do this. Either radios are easy to get, installable, and disappear after death OR they're somewhat harder to get but after installation stay with you forever. I personally favor the latter because I think many of you are like I am, and prefer permanent upgrades over temporary ones.


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