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I Doser

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Cyber Jesus:
Hello fellow FOnliners

There is a program that plays sound waves, and when you listen it to it can make you high depending on what track youre playing.
Has anybody tried it, and if yes does it work?

I tried it because i saw thousands of people claiming it works, it's pure wishful thinking. Does absolutely nothing if you manage to feel high it's psychosomatic.

no real high, only placebo effect but weak, takes a lot of time to listen to one doze (10-60 minutes), shorter ones dont really work. more you use better it gets but it takes a lot of time to learn

Pretty sure that "high" is called "Enjoyment".

You enjoy the music, no?

And btw, getting high is a skill now? MUST IMPLEMENT!

I watched/listened one Doser like 4-6 years ago, it was a screamer, never again.



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