Other > General Game Discussion
GameMaster (GM) ?
I came to NCR at a time where it is empty and there was just one man standing.
I left but came back after over an hour to check back at the traders.
To my surprise the man was still standing in the same hex so I ask him what is he doing.
He replies to me that he is busy becoming a GM.
I ask him how is he doing that and he tells me that he's been standing there all day and that the GMs told him that if he stands in the hex long enough he can become one.
Poor guy.
Why are heartless GMs spreading misinformation?
Devs are laughing at us like that too. Otherwise how to explain the mechanic of that game.
--- Quote from: T-888 on March 29, 2012, 01:58:30 am ---We have game masters who are who they are , but i agree the common player out there doesn't have much chance to obtain the GM status even if he wanted to. I personally don't want to be a GM , but at the same time i understand that i could never be one because , well i'm from SoT as well tend to break rules , play PvP , use dual log , use occasional broken game mechanics for own entertainment , fun , don't value RP very high etc. etc.
I can actually be rude to players in game and get away with that , get banned on forum for 2 weeks and get back and not loose anything , i don't have to be polite all the time or well liked.
It's so good to not be a game master.
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u would be a good gamemaster i guess XD
--- Quote from: FrankenStone on August 28, 2012, 05:42:47 am ---u would be a good gamemaster i guess , u got all atributes that are needed . ding ... ding ... jackpot XD
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Malice Song:
--- Quote from: falloutdude on March 29, 2012, 01:32:34 am ---truth on how to be gm was already said need to be a kiss ass. as simple as that they not looking for people who know alot about the game but ass kissers. [...] NEED MORE ACTIVE GMS.
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Are you fucking kidding me?
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