Other > Events

Minotaur Maze Event - March 25th

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So there was insane lag, speedwalking dwaves and total chaos. Having the tire walls was a bad idea they should have been static map objects, everything popping in and out of fov combined from all the players made it borderline unplayable.

It was pretty laggy, but I had a lot of fun. Moonwalking a lot, but that's probably why you guys do most events on a closed basis.  :-\

I wana give a shout out to the cookie rat. Your the boss!

That rat was mean to me  :'(

Cool map, good idea for the event, horrible as it is realized.
- Murder on the spawn is not monitored.
- Implementation of the drugs in the event looks like a slap in the face of people who are have addicted characters.
- Helmets are not issued with basic armor and they were relatively small. There wasn`t a balance at event. The advantage was given to a sniper - builds.
- In the event encouraged carelessness (if you have not noticed easily accessible good armor and tried to take it - you won the time, because it is impossible to take it).
- Solo players did not have a chance.
- Some lags.
Thanks for event.


--- Quote from: Megido11 on March 25, 2012, 09:58:48 pm ---That rat was mean to me  :'(

--- End quote ---

he/she only wanted a cookie ;_;


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