APK: Anti Player killer- someone who has everything against player killing. They will not kill any players no matter what happens.
I've already made it clear that my association with TKs, and it's policies towards newbies are over.
Simple rule of the wasteland #237If Eternauta is in a gang, they are alright people. Otherwise Eternauta wouldn't be in that gang.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=APKDefinitely the third one listed above. Pirates, hot chicks, and orgies. Sounds like us.
Yes i also heard that giant butterflies are gonna fly out of EPA and carry me to the marshmallow kingdom where I will save the princess of king sugar when I find the candy castle that she is held in and that people will then stop bitching about TC.
if he´s talking about candies at all.. this doctor who just gave you those pills could become my new best friend mike
Thats a whiner. Whiners whine that they are apk and wont hurt noone when the truth is they cant get a damn gun. Give them a gun and they turn right around and burst you in the back of the head first chance they get.