Other > Gang Issues

How to define The APK

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Anti-PK those who do not shoot on sight everyone, just their enemy known nicks. Its almost same as PK
PK is the opposite.

brad smalls:
APK is TNB and BBS oh and sometimes Hawks if you need help look for them when they are TCing.

At that time I was an anti-pk faithful to my principles. It's a hard life, because you tend to end up dead when no reinforcement. You take the first shots of the bandits and finds it difficult to react at times. I usually let my gun second hand. My idea was to make the cowards think they could kill pajamas without problems. They identify they can do wickedness because we are unarmed. And we reward them with a sweet surprise.


I was Mallory, noob times...at that time I did not even know the shortcuts of the game.

brad smalls:
Fucking knock down and out with a fucking burst from a fucking shotgun

I would never rape or steal someone who doesn't deserve it or do things like killing slavers at den or people in T-ray's without a reason.

I guess I'm APK enough.

I find it funny when known PK/baserapers get angry at you because you shot first.


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