Its TnB fault you show up with ~20 people +mercs at den/modoc then everybody allied this is your doing for these big alliances if you going to complain about bbs+tttla swarm.
And yes even we saw the 20 people we were the only ones to attack expecting the BBS epic jump 2 factions fighting eachother tactic. And we are the cowards LOL?!
Crazy88 is so pro now right? Couldn't handle taking towns with just 8-12 people like the rest of us and held nothing for many months and now they are big shots with their new ally who can't win majority of their fights without fast relogging 5 times to kill 1 wave.
Brujah you must be smoking some really good weed to deny that your faction doesn't swarm, this is all your faction does show up only when you out number the other side every fight last session. You must be supplying some good weed also to BBS as they state they are not interested in alliances and made the biggest one yet lol!
BBS and TTTLA have alot in common they treat their allies like shit, great alliance! Match made in heaven.
Mercs? I saw hawks and sot using mercs, I will leave the map and close voice-chat the day someone from CoA mentions mercs.
20 people? I had the list of stuff right in my face, it was 15 people MAX, wich means we had like 12.
We are taking towns with BBS, we were taking towns as CoA and we will take towns as C88 if need be, only time we didn't do TC was way back when you had to camp toilets for hours, wich only people who care about nuka and cigs at the middle of the session do.
Did you go from NCR bazaar straight to TNB mindwash concentration camps with your FN FAL fast shooter?
Oh yeah don't treat people like shit why you idiots kept bursting me and wouldn't stop after I asked nicely on your mumble to stop when I was showing a roleplayer where to go to roleplay. This was 2 hours after I did action with you guys to take redding and other towns last session. You guys are dickheads I well not change my opinion of this regardless of your goody 2 shoe bull shit.
That's funny, I lost count of how many times I yelled not to shoot player X because he was known in The Last Light or how many times Leon and other crazies stopped me from shooting because it was just a slaver that I confused with sneaker.
However I don't tell people that it's a free for all zone, it's TC and you can't expect to go around thinking nothing will happen with you, I might as well hang a poster saying that APK faction does not mean we let everyone in during town control or PVP places like reno.
I don't shoot people unless I have a reason, I don't even like looting players.
Take mailbox and Street Lights' roleplay example, you don't see THEM complain when people throw plasma grenades at them.