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Author Topic: My slaver can't take a slave run quest from Metzger.  (Read 1743 times)


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My slaver can't take a slave run quest from Metzger.
« on: April 24, 2012, 08:02:02 pm »

The problem is that my char was able to get this quest from Metzger before. But one time I got killed in Den, 15 seconds after I took slave run quest. After death I immediately logged off (rage quit) and logged in after couple of hours. Unfortunately when I got on world map I was not able to find the location that should be pointed by Metzger. When i got back to him there was no dialogue option to take quest another time or something.
I tried to decrease my reputation in Slavers Guild and increase it back, but without any results.

Any ideas, what should I do?
Currently retired.


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Re: My slaver can't take a slave run quest from Metzger.
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 08:10:48 pm »

Its a bug, unfortunately no cure for that one. You must complete quest once you take it, or else you will not be able to do it again. I am afraid you will have to make another slaver char in order to do quests again.  :-[
Re: My slaver can't take a slave run quest from Metzger.
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 07:24:15 pm »

this is why i only take the quest bluesuit, go to tent, gear up, do the quest, drop off most of my excess ammo at tent then go scout the den and if its quiet cash in the quest. Only been pked coming in the den never lost any caps.
Re: My slaver can't take a slave run quest from Metzger.
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 08:24:29 pm »

there is no solution how to fix it up?
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