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Wasteland 2 support

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same dirty tricks as 2238 ?:D
but you need to pay salary of your crew, pay for marketing and other shit...

Slaver Snipe:
yoz, the budget is going to be whatever kickstarter reaches which will probably end up being a few million when all is said and done.  It doesn't need a massive budget.  It isn't going to be one of those OMG THOSE TREES ARE PHOTOREALISTIC games that come out nowadays.  They will probably use a fairly cheap and versatile 3d engine, it won't be in development for 3+ years.  1 mil was probably for a very basic version.  I just hope it makes enough that they think about the ability to do multiplayer with squad vs squad combat.

Nice to see them sticking with isometric view and TB combat instead of what the new xcom is doing.

Just saw that they will be doing a linux/mac version if it reaches 1.5 mil, how nice :)

Next thing will be like " we will make it a FPS if it reaches 2 mill " , suddenly the donations stop. ;D

Just kidding , must wait what comes out of all this.

44k to goal! this shit is amazing. wasteland 2 may just fucking happen after all.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2 done.
How many cash will they get for 33 days? :D I hope many for doing very cool and old school cRPG.


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