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Need TTTLA comics, we suffering !
Fancy tags like mappers/scripters , people who do a specific task when asked that's it. No decision making from their side , no opinion asked , like i said foot-soldiers and if something goes wrong each soldier is of course always expendable. I think there are enough developers who actually develop the game , the concept how they want it to be , just more heads hands would never hurt right ?
--- Quote ---Fancy tags like mappers/scripters , people who do a specific task when asked that's it. No decision making from their side , no opinion asked , like i said foot-soldiers and if something goes wrong each soldier is of course always expendable
--- End quote ---
Big true
This is the case already; f.e. Johnny Nuclear.
T888 is right.
You say that's the case already, but not really. I don't see devs asking anyone on the forum for help in anything.
What I see is devs or gms complaining that players are complaining.
T said about devs making a topic to create something when needed. We don't have that and I think that would be very helpful in getting things done because anyone could try to help
--- Quote from: scypior on March 20, 2012, 02:04:19 pm ---Desert Europe had problems exactly because of that - big group is hard to manage (it's not like we don't want any help).
--- End quote ---
What you say is right, and even more when people don't speak the same language, and furthermore have a really different way to express their meanings and feelings, maybe because of their cultural origin. Well, shit happens. The lack of organization and professional way of working killed FODE project. Painful but not useless, we learned several things that'll be useful to avoid such situation to happen again.
Don't worry though Oliver, Cryo will be back sooner or later, but on a different project that we hope you'll enjoy ;)
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