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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)  (Read 5880 times)

Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2012, 11:42:29 pm »

Considering the effort put into making a character that can take on these encounters and find these lockers.  (meaning can't just be an int mule without help, and can't be a full combat mule unless you level to cap just to get the 300% lp and at least 125% traps or FA) That is a ton of effort to MAYBE get a bp, and meanwhile you can't actually play the game, you can't level your 'main' cause you're too busy using yet another alt to get job done.  I've played a TON of rpgs, and mmorpgs, and I've grinded my ass off for things, but Never to this extent for such little pay out.  Several hours for nothing, least in the other game you'd have gotten some useless item you could sell for something, or a BP you've already picked up that you could sell.  I've gotten 0, ZERO, notta, Bp's in my searches, now we're only talking 6 hours a day for 2 days, (I just couldn't do it anymore) And the one locker that with 300% LP, and lockpicks that wouldn't open after 9 tries, probably had one, but I was soo frustrated at seeing "You fail to pick the lock." "Needs Key." I had to move on. 

I really do NOT think they should be a dime a dozen, but considering all the OTHER limiters on crafting now, it shouldn't be such an ordeal just to get the bp to f'n look at.  I know where the Dev's were trying to go with this system but it's just way outta hand, alt, alt, alt shouldn't be an answer, and that much effort just to get an item that might help you make another item, if you can safely get to the place to craft it, let alone get back to your own f'n base to give the bp to someone who can use it, since you're on yet another alt.  Wasteland is Harsh, but it's a damn game for the sake of all that is holy.  Imagine getting that CA bp, and like the kid with the Golden Ticket running home, (Red Lightning Bolt) You encounter (Red Name) "You were critically hit in the eyes for 87 points, You were critically hit in the eyes for 73 points"  Replication in 58 seconds...  And your only reward for all that effort, is to YAY!
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13
Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2012, 12:36:22 am »

From what devs said , i understand that the idea was that most of the needed blueprints are hard to find , so that players eventually would get enough duplicates for some blueprints and trade with each other to obtain the necessary ones or just buy them. To some point all that really works , maybe until majority of players stop trading because they have enough blueprints or can't buy/trade the necessary ones , that is partially okay it's only a matter of time till players get all blueprints they need. Everyone wants to be self-sufficient , i understand that (despite it's meant to be a multiplayer game) but in order to achieve that ...

players need to invest a lot of time , nobody likes that. Either you try to find or buy them , it still consumes a lot of time. Then there are those blueprints witch you either find or you never have them , some of the players here on forum know how hard it can be to find CA blueprint , because most of the players haven't found it yet and never will.( seriously it's that ridiculously hard to find , i can back that up )

The question i was asking myself , why? Why something like that should be so time consuming , hard to do? I'm pointing this out that i myself a player playing in a big faction can tell that ... fuck wasn't easy to get blueprints nor trade for them , were sick of those bp actually never want to see another box. So i'm guessing how the hell smaller groups or just some lone crafters can manage all this madness.

this is feeeeeeetback ......

It's cool they are rare because it provides us with things we can sell.

It's not cool to spend a lot of time , if you buy a blueprint you know that guy spent x time opening boxes , shit some of those can't be opened so everyone tries at least 2 times , if that is a box that can't be opened that's already 5 minutes wasted. In the long run that time adds up and ... fucking ridiculous. It does make like no sense at all.

yes , fucking ridiculous that is my personal inquiry on the matter.

If i will need to farm those blueprints again , i think i will blackout and start chewing my desk. Just come on make them buyable at some gun runners , all of them for raw amounts of caps the more rare , more cash needed.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 12:54:44 am by T-888 »
Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2012, 12:51:44 am »

It should be possible to reverse-engineer items for blueprints.

Science the item for materials = sacrifice item to learn how to make it.

Better items may require multiple attempts.
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2012, 12:59:16 am »

It seems that currently blueprints only increase the gap between casuals and power gamers, between solo players and factions, and the most: between newcomers and old timers. While in general, the idea behind blueprints isn't so bad, the amount of grind attached to them at the moment is just.. yeah, demotivating.
Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2012, 01:30:03 am »

The amount sold and used is ... quite insane 3 digit numbers for sure. Still not all blueprints have been found.

So i'm asking developers is this some way how to troll us ?

It seems that currently blueprints only increase the gap between casuals and power gamers, between solo players and factions, and the most: between newcomers and old timers. While in general, the idea behind blueprints isn't so bad, the amount of grind attached to them at the moment is just.. yeah, demotivating.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 01:38:20 am by T-888 »
Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2012, 07:29:02 am »

They are the sadists, You are the masochist, You know You like it, Im sure They do
FO by sadists for sadomasochists


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Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2012, 09:53:20 am »

I opened about 250 footlockers for now, and about 75-100 that couldn't be open. I have been doing this for 20 days (few hours per day). Found 12 blueprints. I will not pick lock footlockers anymore.


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Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2012, 09:02:41 pm »

Looks like I'm not the only one who is (pardon me to say this) pissed off of finding something, which should increase fun in this game. I mean, personally, I agree, if this game is difficult, I agree if it should be freakin hard, but not damn impossible. Wasteland kills everyone, no matter who you are, but the same way blueprints bring everyone to death. From that reason, i just keep running in leather armor mark II and everything is fine...why? Cause there is no other chance to get something better...even if I wanted to get something better, I am not able to get caps for it...ah...war,war never do people in wasteland.


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Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2012, 01:33:28 am »

I like it how it is. It's hard. Max difficulty. Nightmare mode. And most people will drop out of the blueprint race leaving guys like me leading the pack. Yay.

Meanwhile i have some numbers to share. I hit 289 populated urban encounters while hunting BP. Of those, i found lockers in 57. Of those 57 lockers, i was able to open 44 using a Lockpick 300 guy with Luck 10, Agility 9 and Perception 9 (+bugged Treasure Hunter). Of those 44 i opened, 5 had blueprints.

That's less than 2%. That means ~1 out of 50 encounters has a BP. All 5 of the ones i found were duplicates of ones i already found. That essentially means i found nothing of immediate use (unless i trade them).

In those same 289 enc, i also found 16 car wrecks, 3 of which had a useable FCC.

I'll keep going. I want 5 complete sets of all the BP in the game. (lol)

Oh also, any non-PK who wants some CA or other high-end gear, PM me and we can go make some stuff at an advanced workbench somewhere. I can make CA, LSW, etc but i need backup since solo i seem to lose 3 out of 5 items due to the "harshness of the wasteland".
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2012, 01:41:58 am »

I like it how it is. It's hard. Max difficulty. Nightmare mode. And most people will drop out of the blueprint race leaving guys like me leading the pack. Yay.

Meanwhile i have some numbers to share. I hit 289 populated urban encounters while hunting BP. Of those, i found lockers in 57. Of those 57 lockers, i was able to open 44 using a Lockpick 300 guy with Luck 10, Agility 9 and Perception 9 (+bugged Treasure Hunter). Of those 44 i opened, 5 had blueprints.

That's less than 2%. That means ~1 out of 50 encounters has a BP. All 5 of the ones i found were duplicates of ones i already found. That essentially means i found nothing of immediate use (unless i trade them).

In those same 289 enc, i also found 16 car wrecks, 3 of which had a useable FCC.

I'll keep going. I want 5 complete sets of all the BP in the game. (lol)






I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2012, 02:10:58 am »

Actually if the devs could double the rarity of finding BP to 1% instead of 2%, it might help. Because then more people would go mess around in Reno or whatever and let players like me get an economic foothold on the entire map.

Oh and i tried using a lighter to set my blueprints on fire. It didn't work. What's up with that?
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.


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Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2012, 10:20:26 am »

Actually if the devs could double the rarity of finding BP to 1% instead of 2%, it might help.

That would mean that those who seek ca bp for month, "only" have to seek for it for 15 days + the time it takes to level a lockpicker.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2012, 11:16:14 am »

I remade my doctor as doctor-lockpicker because blueprints appeared in game and it was impossible
to get most of them otherwise. I tried to hunt for some doctor blueprints. It took me 2-3 hours to
notice it doesn't make sense. Never tried again.

I pity people who waste a month of their real life to be able to craft some silly armor in a computer game...

Now, to devs...

Game progression based on random chance and boring repetitive tasks is not good IMHO.
I understand there were supposed to be some quests to get BPs. I understand making them takes time.

But if you put on server unfinished feature, when the only part that is ready is boring, does it make sense?
Why not wait until it's actually playable? Or at least boost the chance to get BPs for the time being?

It's similar with flares (sigh). Their only function was aesthetics.
You added timer because they are supposed to have some other function. But it's not implemented.
So basically you took away the only nice function this item had and gave nothing in return.
Why not simply leave them without timer until you add some real function to them?
I try to understand the logic behind these decisions, but for me it makes no sense.

I could go on. Crafting recipes. There are new recipes, cool. But you didn't implement ways to get the
required materials. It takes time, I understand. But then what's the point of putting on public server
the new crafting recipes in the first place? This I can't understand.
Players go through horror to get BPs and then they learn that they can't even use them.
Why not simply use the materials that can be obtained in game, for the time being?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 11:27:56 am by JovankaB »


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Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2012, 12:12:31 pm »

Wasteland is HARSH !!!
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg


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Re: Is it normal? (footlockers problem)
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2012, 01:46:14 am »

The lockers suck.

We need at least 1 more way to obtain blueprints, or raise the chance of finding them... something.

Hunting footlockers for the 5 prints I need waste over half my time in this game.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 01:48:03 am by codave »
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