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Ive seen worse remarks than what TLC has said, and not result in ban. Seriously why people gotta be dicks to him for his style of play. We arnt all mindless killing zombies in this game.
Brainzzzzz *burst burst* noobs brainssss
@ Perteks: To quote Tow Mater from the cars animated movies. "Thats funny right there".
--- Quote from: Ox-Skull on March 16, 2012, 11:27:54 am ---Ive seen worse remarks than what TLC has said, and not result in ban. Seriously why people gotta be dicks to him for his style of play. We arnt all mindless killing zombies in this game.
--- End quote ---
Well point I was making, ok so maybe calling him an idiot or dumbass was a little harsh, maybe its just how we speak to people in my country but he over reacted then and now.
I mean saying don't be an idiot don't be a dumbass don't do this in the game is just my way of giving a friendly reminder. I mean come on you see some guy wearing ranger armor a GM given item only in NCR a town filled with suicide bursters it was just advice. I didn't know who this guy was or who was associated with and this is the type of hostile speech he started writing at me during the time.
But I think the moral of the lesson is if you don't want people to base rape you and want a succesful faction calm down a little and don't go all high and almighty and ride a high horse. But this guy has shown his true colors, he is not all that innocent that somebody base raped his noob helping faction.
I guess its an American thing but saying don't be a dumbass isn't something some of us find offensive and insulting in the US but its more of a comedic way of saying don't be a noob.
I mean come on the guy had a ranger armor skin in NCR! Thats just asking to get suicide sprayed is what I was trying to warn him but instead of saying LOL its a skin and taking it light heartly he went all out hostile.
Its not his "style of play" that gets him treated the way he does just look at what he wrote that is how he talks to people in the game.
Yes I straight up called him a dick because to me he is one for our exchange of words in the past. But I do not have problem with people roleplaying and helping others its not my play style I am a hardcore PvP ape but if other people play for pve noob helping and roleplay I don't really troll them. Its a video game and people have fun in different ways.
in my exp ive found u dont need to be wearing anything special or what not to get suicide bursted/bombed.
i see your point also swarm, but he prob got sick of the fools calling him carebear faggot and pathetic shit like that.
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