Love it, another person using an exploit, because well the loading system is being exploited to kill people before they can react right?. And all you can say is people are crying about it, or make more alts. More alts should never be the answer to a games issue.They are right however moving to a different loading grid or in the case of every other part of this game simply avoiding every possible chance of interacting with other characters is your only option short of a million alts, or a drugged up power build.(If it can be used to troll or abuse players it will.) This is the 1st Law of the Wasteland. Law 2 of the Wasteland is (The following excuse will be used henceforth for any opinion people do not agree with or that suggests limits to Law 1 and that excuse is "The Wasteland is Harsh.") The laws have been written so they shall be done.