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Mass effect 3

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Johnny Nuclear:
Hrmm dunno, i played Dragon age, for few hours. I  didn't like it, never tryed again, played mass effect 2 for few hours, , also didn't like it.

Is ME 3 different ? or it is still same system ?

If you didn't like ME2, you won't like the third installment aswell. It's more of the same - so you might get disappointed. It has merely comical value, best not to taken very seriously.

I dunno, I bought Mass Effect fews years back and it was pretty good for it's time, I still play it every now then but I didn't really like that much it seemed so booring, I have barely finnished the game without deleting it.
--- Quote from: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on March 07, 2012, 01:37:58 am ---Mass effect 3?!......LAME, all about Metro Last light that should come out soon, and Battlefield 3.

--- End quote ---

On the other hand Metro 2033 and the upcoming Metro Last Light is very good news for me, because Metro 2033 was very good game IMO  and I'm not talking about the awesome graphics because that was not the point, it was the story itself. It also made me buy the book from which the game was made.. more or less. But that's just my opinion, I probably like more dark gloomy apocalyptic worlds more than this Star Wars thing game.

EDIT: Has anyone noticed how more and more games give you this "sex experience" ? I guess gamer developers are getting perverted more with each game :)) liked Wicher 2 btw :))

Am I the only one who "feels" the urgency of some impending war in ME3? Beside that the combat system is fucking good (my name in multiplayer is "treesnogger" btw"), there are some good choices too. Short, ME3 is a good game!

is 3 better then 2? i could not even get threw 2 was too boring and made me cry when i had to go same things over and over.


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