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Piece of shit game?

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The 2 months before the wipe are what I enjoyed the most - I played alone most of the time but it was confortable enough and not so hard. Compulsive Dedicated power-players have always dominated but it seems worse right now.

The new trading system, for example, makes it too hard for new players and/or those who do not play everyday like me. Of course, as Solar said this system is not completely done yet, so I guess I still can have some hope.

I didn't start playing this season at day 1, instead when I first logged in after the wipe, my gangmates already had some base(s?) and gear. I didn't want to leech so I am just work on my own... I only have one character and it's level 10 or 12, I don't remember. Levelling is slower and when I die I don't really feel like re-gearing and starting again.

And of course it's always frustrating to see people cheating when you want to play fairly :P

But anyway I wouldn't say this game is shit now. I guess we just have to wait for devs to fix/complete stuff.


--- Quote from: avv on March 06, 2012, 01:37:51 pm ---Also the method to get blueprints is quite boring, I've been hunting ca and ca helmet blueprint for weeks.

Getting caps in non-abuse ways is pretty hard aswell

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Now this , yes. I agree you can't get much more ridiculous than that. Nobody will sell those CA BP , either you find it for yourself or you never have it.

Most of the factions got their first base by abusing something , that tells us something important :)

It isn't THAT bad. I mean sure its not easy in the least bit.

I'm afraid with them fixing TC is too little too late. Too many have quit this because of it.

The PvP is more interesting, and I mean everybody has same capability to fast relog. And the new perks bring about new strategy and differnt ways to plan out builds accordingly.

They have changed a lot of things, and I have said this bfore this game is now one bad soviet russia reversal joke. "Last wipe people made 50 alts for 1 pvp ape, new wipe 50 ape 1 crafter alt."

My impression they wanted to gear the game more towards PVE and make things less "ape" but a good portion of the players loved the fast paced PvP.

By all means the developers and GMs don't want this game to be easy, they don't want us to have carpets of gear and they want us to die over 9,000 times.

I think what is frustrating about this game is the resource depleting, and the fact that you well die ALOT drives many players away.

This game is not easily done solo its best to be in a faction or at least have a farming partner.

But for the most part, this game makes me think WTF where they thinking when they thought of...

But you know what we cried and whined for a wipe and here it is folks. The wipe and we all hate it when we so despertly wanted one the irony.


--- Quote from: Swarm on March 06, 2012, 02:01:14 pm ---The PvP is more interesting, and I mean everybody has same capability to fast relog.
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Not everyone only people who have multiple PvP characters.
Basically there is no point to participate in PvP for a casual player with 1-2 characters.

Jovanka is right , but does anybody care about that ? Some developer ?

As far as i know i haven't heard anything official from developers about all this fast relog business.


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